HUST delegation, headed by Professor CHEN Gang (Director of Undergraduate Education Office), Mr. YE Zhi (Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of School of Humanities) and Mr. LAN Hanghang (Director of International Student Office) paid a successful visit to Vietnam and Cambodia between December 11 and December 18, 2018.
During the visit, the delegation visited the top universities, government bodies and relevant institutes of Vietnam and Cambodia, met with alumni and discussed about HUST Alumni Association setup matters in Vietnam and Cambodia. Fruitful discussion on MOU, joint research & degree programs, talents cultivation, summer camps, officials’ trainings, etc. were made. The relationship between alumni in Vietnam and Cambodia and HUST was also enhanced.

Prof. NGUYEN VAN KIM, Vice Rector of VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi met with the delegation.

Mr. LAN Hanghang, Director of International Student Office, presented the university and introduced admission policies, scholarship application guidelines to students of VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi.

HUST Alumni in Hanoi gathered to welcome the delegation.

TRAN QUANG ANH, a 1997 alumnus of School of Electronic Information and Communications of HUST, vice president of Vietnam University of Posts and Telecommunications, welcomed the delegation.

Prof. NGUYEN TINH, Vice President of Hue University of Foreign Languages had a good discussion with the delegation regarding collaborations.

Prof. DONG VAN HUONG, Vice President of Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport and HUST alumni welcomed the delegation to visit Ho Chi Minh City.

Dr. KOL PHENG, President of Pannasastra University of Cambodia met with the delegation and the two universities achieved a series of collaboration intentions on joint degree programs, scientific research cooperation, summer camp activities, etc.

IN EM, Director of Economics and Finance Institute of Ministry of Economy and Finance met with the HUST delegation.

TOM OUK, an alumnus of College of Public Administration and the Director of the Cambodian Senate, accompanied the delegation to various Cambodian institutions to promote communication and collaboration, and organized a HUST Alumni gathering in his home.
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