On the evening of December 29, 2018, 2019 HUST New Year Gala for Chinese and International Students (SICA Night) was held in the Lecture Hall of the School of Management. More than 550 Chinese and international students as well as staff gathered to celebrate the New Year. Prof. Chen Jianguo, the vice president of HUST, attended the gala.

There were three chapters of the performance: “BEAUTIFUL: THE DREAM SEASON”, ”COLORFUL: THE NATIONAL STYLE” and “WONDERFUL: THE NEW CHAPTER”. The gala started with a traditional costume show performed by students from Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Mongolia and Pakistan. The ASMARADANA Dance by Indonesian students shocked the audience with its high coordination and unity. And the passion of HULA Dance by students from Tonga, Samoa and Fiji detonated the atmosphere.

Besides the international style performance, The Guqin (a traditional Chinese musical instrument) solo and Peking Opera entranced the audience. JASMINE, a famous Chinese song, performed by staff and students of School of Management, made everyone feel intoxicated. Finally, the gala came to an end with the song SHAPE OF THE WORLD by Chinese and international students.

2019 HUST New Year Gala for Chinese and International Students was sponsored by the School of International Education, HUST and organized by Students International Communication Association (SICA). Reprentatives of 20 administrative offices and teaching schools of the university as well as 10 companies including Wuhan FiberHome Technical Service Co., LTD, HKB International and China Unicom were invited to attend the gala. It is reported that 3626 international students from 153 countries studied at HUST in the year of 2018. The New Year Gala not only provided international students with a stage to demonstrate themselves and their own culture, but also promoted exchange and integration between Chinese and international students and therefore enhanced the international atmosphere of HUST.

12月29日晚19:00,一年一度的“世界风,喻园情——华中科技大学2019年中外学生新年晚会 ”在管理学院报告厅盛大上演。550余名中外师生相聚一堂,载歌载舞喜迎新年。副校长陈建国教授出席晚会。
中外学生协同配合,联袂演出,呈现了一场高艺术水准的晚会。晚会分三个篇章,分别是“美丽逐梦季”“绚丽民族风”和“华丽新篇章”。孟加拉国、尼泊尔、斯里兰卡、越南、蒙古、巴基斯坦等国的民族服装秀绚丽多彩,拉开了晚会的序幕。印度尼西亚的阿斯玛拉达纳之舞,动作高度契合,整齐划一,令人震撼。汤加、萨摩亚、斐济等南太平洋岛国的呼拉舞火辣激情,引爆了现场的气氛。中国学生的古琴独奏和京剧表演,送来了浓浓的“中国风”。管理学院中外师生合唱一曲《茉莉花》,让观众听得如痴如醉。最后,晚会在中外学生联袂演唱的《Shape of The World》歌声中落下帷幕。

撰稿 李心雨 尹新林
翻译 尹新林
摄影 朱必勇(保留照片版权)
审核 兰行行
编辑 尹新林