Thirteen international students gathered in Friendship Apartment on March. 9th for the Awarding Ceremony for International Volunteers of 2016 Spring Semester held by the School of International Education(SIE). Vice Dean of SIE, Ms. Zhao Xiaofeng has presented the ceremony.
Ms.Yan Wei from the International Student Office presided the ceremony, which was curtained by a speech delivered by Ms. Zhao. She affirmed the devotion of the volunteers who’ve warmly served the new students, which is highly appreciated by both the new students and the working staff. Ms.Zhao hoped that the team of international volunteers as one highlight in welcoming the new students shall be enlarged and strengthened in the future so as to improve the service for international students on campus. 25 volunteers from 10 different schools have been recruited with identity as undergraduates, masters, doctors or Chinese language students, and 13 of them were awarded for the title of Excellent Volunteer with their outstanding performance. Ms. Afef Bouzoraa from Tunisa nd Mr. Senakpon Padonou Ghislain from Republic of the Congo addressed speeches as representatives. “ It was evening on my first arrival on campus and I felt lost, not knowing where to go and what to do.” Ms. Afef Bouzoraa continued, “ Fortunately some Chinese and international students kindly helped me out by leading me to the dorm, carrying the luggage and guiding me the registration procedures, and gratefully I really hope I could help people in need back by serving as a volunteer. As international students, we might know better how it feels to be abroad as a foreigner.”
It’s said that over 160 new international students from over 40 countries and districts have completed the registration for this semester and embraced the new campus life. There are more than 3000 international students on campus at present and it has been a topic for exploration about how to discover and expand the team of international volunteers in serving the international students on campus. It’s regarded as a beneficial attempt by recruiting international volunteers in welcoming the new students of 2016 spring semester.
3 3月9日下午,13个国际学生志愿者齐聚我校友谊公寓326教室,参加由国际教育学院举办的2016春季国际学生迎新志愿者表彰大会,国际教育学院副院长赵晓峰出席本次大会。
留 留学生办公室的严薇老师主持本次大会。会上,赵晓峰发表致辞,她充分肯定了本次迎新工作中国际学生志愿者的奉献精神,他们热情服务,辛勤付出,获得新生和迎新工作者的一致好评。她表示,国际学生志愿者是此次迎新的一大创新点和亮点,希望国际学生志愿队伍不断壮大并在未来的国际学生服务工作中继续发光发热。此次迎新招募的25名迎新志愿者来自10多个院系,包括在校的本科,硕士,博士生以及汉语进修生,其中13名被授予“优秀志愿者”荣誉称号。来自突尼斯的周菲茵Ms. AFEF BOUZORAA和来自刚果(布)的帕多诺Mr. SENAKPON PADONOU GHISLAIN作为志愿者代表发言。“我第一天来华科报到时正值晚上,下了车我完全不知道往哪里去,也不知道要做什么。但是当时身边有很多热情的中国学生和国际友人,他们帮我搬行李,帮我报到注册,让我十分感动,所以我报名参加了这次迎新工作。”周菲茵表示,“国际学生可能更能理解一个外国人初到一个陌生国家的心情,我希望通过志愿者服务帮助到那些和我当年一样需要帮助的人。”
据 据悉,本学期已有来自40多个国家的150多名新国际学生完成了报到注册,并开始了新的校园生活。目前我校有3000多国际学生,如何挖掘并发展国际学生志愿者团队并服务于广大在校国际学生,此次国际学生志愿者参与迎新则是一次有益的尝试。