International Student Office Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Copyright © 2013 ISO HUST. All rights reserved.
Address:1037 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan 430074, P.R.China
Telphone:0086-27-87542457 Fax:0086-27-87547833
Hereby are some academic regulations which are closely related to the study of international undergraduate students. For other regulations which are not listed, please refer to the corresponding management book.
l 课堂纪律
l Daily Discipline
Students should follow the requirements of the teaching plan and attend all the study activities described in the plan. All students should observe and respect class disciplines and should never be late for class or retreat early. Eating, smoking, sleeping and chatting are not allowed in class. Except for holidays and festivals, students should not attempt to leave school or cut school hours. In one semester, if the absent times add up to 10 classes, the student would be warned; and if the absent times add up to 50 classes, the student would be compelled to quit from our university.
l 请假制度
l Asking for Leave
If students are unable to participate in studying activities, they should submit a written ask-for-leave application. If students are unable to ask for leave in advance in case of emergency, they should submit the ask-for-leave within three days. If students need to extend their leave, they need to go through the same procedures as that of the application for leave. The application for leave or the extension of leave should only come into effect after the permission. If students leave without permission or the leave period exceeds the permitted period, it will be regarded as an absence. Upon or before the expiration of the leave, the student needs to report to the International Student Office after coming back to the university.
1. If the leave is the result of illness, a diagnosis or identification of medical condition is required. If the period of sick leave suggested by the doctor contradicts with the arrangements of examinations, the signature of the hospital president is needed.
2. A leave of/within three days should be approved by the International Students Office and the school/department concerned should be notified. Leave exceeding three days and within two weeks should be approved by the school/department concerned after the approval of the International Students Office. Leave exceeding two weeks should be approved by the Office of Teaching Affairs after the approval of the International Students Office. If the accumulated leave time of a student reaches/exceeds six weeks, the student should apply for suspension of schooling.
3. The case of a student who continuously absent from schooling for over 2 weeks without a written ask-for-leave application is deemed a voluntary cancellation of study. In this case, the university will notify the Immigration Office to invalidate the student’s legal residence.
l 学分、课程考核、成绩记载
1. 课程的成绩由平时成绩(含期中考试、课堂讨论、作业、实验报告、论文、出勤等)和期末考试成绩综合评定。其比例因课程而异,由任课教师自定。
2. 学生应当按学校的规定参加选课并参加所选课程的学习和考核。其考核成绩应记入学生成绩单。正式办理选课手续后不参加课程学习或考核者,该课程成绩记为零分或不合格。
3. 无故缺课累计超过课程教学时数的1/3,缺交作业或实验报告累计超过课程教学要求的1/3者,不得参加课程的考试,登记成绩时,注明“缺平时成绩未考”字样,该课程以零分计。
4. 按规定办理了缓考手续者,可参加后续同类课程的考试。无故或请假未获批准不参加考试者,该课程成绩以零分计,并注明“旷考”,不得参加补考。
5. 凡考试(含考查)作弊,该课程成绩以零分记,注明“作弊”,不得参加补考,并按《华中科技大学学生违纪处分条例》给予相应的处分。
l Credits, Course Assessment and Marks Record
1. Credits
(1) The university carries out the credit system for all students. The credit is the basic method to evaluate the quality and quantity of study and is divided into intracurricular credit and extracurricular credit. According to stipulations of the university, 16 credit-hours are equal to one credit. Internship and practical training take up one credit for each week. All kinds of courses, practical training and some part of internship will take up certain credits in the Major Study Plan. Students can not graduate until they acquire all the credits required by their Major Study Plan.
(2) As to international students, they could be exempted from part of the Basic Courses in General Education, such as Ideological and Political courses, English, Physical education courses, Chinese courses, and elective courses in Humanities, Social sciences and Natural sciences. All the other courses will be arranged and learned strictly according to the university teaching plan, and students need to complete all the required credits.
(3) Bachelor degree international students will need to do internship and social practice along with Chinese classmates according to the university teaching plan; specific foreign protocols will need to be abided by when choosing practice locations.
(4) All students should take An Introduction to Chinaas their compulsory course. This course will be arranged at the second semester of the first year study, and this course will take up 2 credits. Chinese language course is compulsory for international students as well.
2. Course Assessment
Course assessment is divided into two types: examination course and evaluation course. As to examination, teachers could choose to take closed-book exam, open-book exam, oral test and other means. The full score for examination course is 100 and the passing score is 60. Students who get no less than 60 could acquire that corresponding credits of the course. Generally in evaluation course, students could be evaluated as Distinction, Merit, Average, Pass and fail. Students who obtain Pass or above could acquire certain required credits.
3. Record of Marks
(1) Total scores would be divided into the students’ performance (including mid-term exam, seminar, homework, experiment, paper attendance and etc.) and final exam. The proportion of performance and final exam will be decided by the teachers.
(2) All students should select courses according to requirements of the university and participate in the study and assessment of all selected courses. The assessment scores will be recorded in students’ marks sheet. After all formal course-selecting procedures are conducted; the students should attend the class and take the assessment. Or, they will get zero for this course or fail this course.
(3) If any student is absent from lectures for over one third of a course’s total credit hours or any student fails to hand in homework or internship report for over one third of total requirements, he or she will not be entitled to take the exam. And this course will be recorded “No attending as homework uncompleted” as 0.
(4) If the student has conducted procedures for postponing examination, he or she is entitled to take homogeneous courses in the future. If any student fails to take the exam without permission, this course will be recorded “Absent” as 0. And they will not be allowed to attend the make-up exam, but only to apply and retake the subject.
(5) Students who cheat in examination will be punished according to the University Regulations, and the related course will be recorded “Cheating” as 0.
l 补考与重修
If students do not obtain certain credits because they fail compulsive courses stipulated in the Study Plan, they should retake the course or make up the exam. Within the stipulated study duration, there is no limit to the times of course-retaking.
1. Makeup Examination
(1) Makeup examination refers to the tests arranged at the beginning of each term for giving a second chance to students who failed these subjects in the past semester. Each student can take at most 1 time makeup exam for each subject.
(2) The makeup examinations normally will be arranged at the beginning of each academic year, which from 2nd week’s Saturday to 4th week’s Sunday. Any student can only take the makeup exam for one time. Those who fail the retest should retake the same subject and join the exam with next year’s students.
(3) Students who need to take the makeup exam should apply and register for it at the department within the 1st week of that semester. Or students are unable to join the retest.
(4)The subject which is passed through the make up exam will be recorded as 60% into the final result.
2. Course Retaking
(1) If students fail compulsive courses stipulated in the Study Plan and are not qualified to take makeup examinations, or if they fail to pass the makeup examinations, they can register to retake the courses in order to obtain the credits.
(2) Students can not retake the courses they have already passed. If the retaking course’s exam is conflict with the normal exam at the same time, the students should attend the latter. And the former one will be regarded as postponing.
(3) If students cannot re-take the same course due to the change of major study plan, the replacement for the re-taking or re-examination course should be determined by the school/department concerned.
l 考试纪律
l Regulations for Examination
1. Students should arrive at the test room on time and they are not allowed to attend the examination if they are late for 30 minutes. Students should ask for permission in advance if they cannot take the examination, otherwise they would be regarded as absent.
2. Students should enter the test room with Student Card and take the seat at certain intervals.
3. Apart from the necessary stationary for the exam, students are not allowed to bring any other items such as scribbling pad, cell phones, computers or calculators(except for exams allowing the use of calculator ). Bags should be placed at the designated place by the invigilator.
4. Any behavior of cheating, such as peeping, bringing notes or exchanging answers is forbidden in the examination. Any student who cheats in examination will be given the score of zero, and has to receive a punishment. The punishment varies according to situation and wrong-doing.
5. Students should fill in all the blanks on the paper cover, especially those of the student ID number, name, and school/department name. Students should not leave the test room for any reason before the submittal of the paper and students are not allowed to submit the papers within 30 minutes of each examination. Keep silent when you take the examination. Before leaving the test room, exam paper, answer sheet, scribbling paper should be put on the table. Only after all those items are checked and collected by the teacher, students could leave the test room. After handing in the paper, students should leave the test room immediately. Chatting in the test room and making noise in the corridor are not allowed.
6. During the examination, if the examination questions are not clearly printed, students can report to the teacher by raising their hands.
7. First-year international student whose course language is Chinese could ask for 30 minutes’ extra time for the examination.
l 学分清理
1. 在规定学制的第1学年度学分清理时,未达到该学年度培养计划总学分的2/3者,学校给予学业警示;未达到该学年度培养计划累计总学分的1/2者,学校给予退学处理。
2. 在规定学制的第2、3学年度学分清理时,未达到培养计划累计总学分的3/4者,学校给予学业警示;未达到培养计划累计总学分的2/3者,学校给予退学处理(5、6年制专业学生的毕业前学分清理以此原则类推)。
3. 受到学业警示者,院(系)根据实际情况,可提出编入原专业下一年级学习的建议,并报教务处批准;毕业年级在毕业学年的第二学期中期进行学分清理,未达到培养计划累计总学分,可持结业证离校或向学校申请延长学习期限。
4. 在学分清理中,对于第一次达到退学标准的本科外国留学生,院(系)根据实际情况,可同意其延长学习期限一年。若在下一学年学分清理时仍未达到学分要求,则予以相应(如退学)处理。
5. 临床医学专业(英语授课)的本科外国留学生除需参加学校统一学分清理外,在完成第一年预科学习后接受淘汰制度。学生完成第一年预科学习后,凡未通过课程数目达到4门及以上(旷考或缓考按未通过计算)者,可选择在当年9月返校申请延长学习期限一年重修未通过课程,或者放弃学习资格。
l Credits Marking
There will be a credits marking at the end of each academic year, and the punishments will be given as following to those who can not reach the requirement. (Not including the time of an approved temporary suspension of schooling)
1. At the end of the 1st academic year, students who have not achieved 2/3 of the total required credits will get a Warning Notice; students who obtain less than 1/2 of the total required credits will be expelled from the university.
2. At the end of the 2nd or 3rd academic year, students who have not achieved 3/4 of the total required credits will get a Warning Notice; students who obtain less than 2/3 of the total required credits will be expelled from the university. And the middle years for students majoring in medicine and architecture will be marked in the same way.
3. According to students’ performance, those who have received Warning Notice could be arranged stay down for 1 year with the lower grade, with the Department’s suggestion and the HUST Academic Affairs Office’s approval. In the middle of the last semester, the students who have not fulfilled the requirement of credits could apply to prolong the study span or leave the university with the Certificate of Completion.
4. During the Credits Marking, considering the specialty of international students, international students whose credits are less than the requested amount of being expelled will be given another chance of staying down for 1 year with the lower grade. In the next Credits Marking after the completion of this one year, if the students’ achieved credits are still less than the required credits of not being expelled, he or she will be expelled by the university.
5. For international students majoring in MBBS (English medium), after completion of the 1st academic year, anyone who unable to pass 4 subjects or above have to stay on the main campus for an extra year, joining in the lower grade to retake the failed courses.
l 学籍异动
1. 休学:
2. 复学:休学期满后应于开学前一个月内向学校申请办理复学手续,因病休学的学生申请复学必须交验医院诊断书并经学校医院复查合格后,方可复学。
1. 休学的学生超过规定15天不提出复学申请者;
2. 无故超过注册时间2周未注册者;
3. 未请假离校或请假逾期达2周者;
4. 本人申请退学者;
5. 一学期无故旷课累计达50课时者。
1. 学生提出申请并填写《华中科技大学本科生转专业申请表》
2. 转出院(系、所)和转入院(系、所)签署意见;
3. 学校教务处审批。
1. 本科三年级及三年级以上;
2. 正在休学、保留学籍期间;
3. 多门课程不及格,已达到退学条件的。
l Suspension of Schooling and Resumption
1. Suspension of Schooling
Every student could complete his or her study for stages. If a student could not study normally as a result of illness or accidents, he or she could apply for suspension of schooling. When he or she is suspending the schooling, the university will reserve the student status.
Students can suspend the study in the following cases:
(1) Freshman who fails to meet the requirements of physical examination and is suggested by doctor to suspend the study for medical treatment;
(2) Student whose courses are occupied by medical treatment or rest for over 1/3of the total (or over 6 weeks);
(3) Student who asks for leave for over 1/3 of all courses (or over 6 weeks);
(4) Student who could not persistent in orderly study or affects other’s study and the school (department) or the university considers that it is necessary to let him or her to suspend the schooling;
(5) Student who is recruited for military service.
The student should apply for the suspension by himself or herself (If he or she asks for suspension because of illness, he or she should hand in hospital’s certification documents). The suspension should get the approval from school/department concerned and give clear indication of the suspending span. The student could then suspend of the schooling after he or she is permitted by International Students Office and a permission of suspension is issued.
The suspension period should be calculated in semester. Usually the duration for suspension is one year (As to students who go back to his or her motherland to serve the military, student status can be reserved for two years). The suspension period shall not be calculated into the study span in our university, but the total suspension period shall not exceed 4 semesters. If a student applies for suspension at the end of the semester, the whole semester would be deemed as suspension period. And if the suspension period prolongs to the next semester, both two semesters will be counted as suspension period. Except for force majeure and other emergencies, the student who applies for suspension should finish all relative procedures 15 days before the finals at the latest. And he or she should not apply to resume in the same semester. When a student is permitted to suspend the schooling, credits that he or she acquires previously are all acknowledged. After a student is permitted to suspend the schooling, he or she shall not resort in the university to take classes or take exams whatever reason it concerns. As for the trespasser, all the credits that he acquires previously shall be null and void. The suspended students should leave the university in time. During the suspension period, students sponsored by scholarship shall not enjoy the scholarship. And they have to undertake the travelling expenses by themselves.
2. Resumption
After the due of suspension, students should apply to resume one month before the beginning of the new semester. Students whose suspension is due to illness are required to submit the latest diagnosis report and they can resume the study only after they pass the physical examination in the university hospital.
l Quitting School
Candidates should quit school for each of the following situations:
(1) Students who fail to apply for resumption within 15 days after the due date of suspension;
(2) Students who are late for the registration for over two weeks without a sound reason;
(3) Students who leave without permission for over two weeks;
(4) Students who apply to quit by themselves;
(5) Students who are absent from classes for more than 50 times without a sound reason in a semester.
Students who decide to quit school will get a quit certificate or a certificate of studying experience after the approval of the university. Students who are approved of quitting should get through all the procedures of leave within 5 days after the approval.
As to students who are cancelled by the university, who quit school (including voluntary cancellation from study) and students who transfer to another university, their student statuses are terminated once the university issues the approval. Such students shall not re-apply for our university and should leave the university within one week.
l Extension of Schooling
1. The study duration for Bachelor’s Degree candidates is usually four years (The study duration for Bachelor’s Degree candidates in Architecture and Urban Planning, Medicine is five years, and MBBS is six years). International students taught in Chinese medium should study Chinese language for one year and pass the corresponding requirement of HSK test before they take their major courses.
2. As to students who are enlisted in our university, the longest span for study in the university is the specific study duration plus 2 years (not including suspension period). As to students who could not finish their study within the span, they would not be registered in the university.
3. For students who are unable to achieve the total credits within the study span but have not reach the level of being expelled, they could apply to prolong the study span. Procedures for prolonging study duration would be conducted in April of the last year within the study duration and it could be extend for 2 years at most.
4. Students should abandon the study in our university if they have stayed up to the longest school span. They could come back to the university within 2 years of leaving to retake the credits they failed to achieve.
l Changing of Major
1. Freshmen who are entitled to apply to change their major three months after the enrollment if they do have due reasons;
2. Sophomores are entitled to change another similar major of the same discipline after they have studied general knowledge courses of the discipline. Schools or departments should approve the applications according to their current teaching resources; the policy is “Excellent Student Takes Precedence”. This type of major changing should be processed at the end of 4th semester.
3. Procedures for Changing the Major:
(1) Students put forward the application for changing the major;
(2) The student’s original school/department and the destination school/department should sign their approval;
(3) The Teaching Affairs Office of the university should approve this issue.
4. International students should not change their major in case that:
(1) They are junior or senior students;
(2) They are suspending their study or they are not studying in the university and just have their students’ status reserved;
(3) They have to quit school due to too many failed courses.
l 汉语水平考试要求
l Requirement for HSK
1. International students whose majors will be taught in Chinese have to learn Chinese language and pass the corresponding level of Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) before starting their majors. The students majoring in Science, Engineering, Economics and Management should pass an HSK Band 4 with a score of at least 180), and those in Literature, Philosophy and Law should pass an HSK Band 4 (with a score of at least 210), thereafter the students are qualified and permitted to take the specialty-oriented courses in Chinese.
2. As for Chinese Government Scholarship students, they can learn Chinese language for no more than two years. Scholarship students who accepted language training are not allowed to change the course language back from Chinese into English.
3. Students of MBBS program should pass HSK Band 4 (with a score of at least 210) before they start clinical internship, or they are not entitled to carry out clinical internship.
l 毕业相关
1. 理、工、经管、医科专业汉语授课的外国留学生,HSK四级未达180分者;
2. 文、史、哲专业汉语授课以及临床医学专业(英语授课)的外国留学生,HSK四级未达210分者
3. 对外汉语专业的外国留学生,HSK五级未达210分者;
4. 经学位委员会审查认为不能授予学士学位的其他情形。
l Graduation
1. Students could graduate only after they acquire all credits required in the Study Plan in the study duration. In that case, the university will grant the Certificate of Graduation and award the Bachelor’s Degree according to Provisions of the Regulations on Academic Degree of the People’s Republic ofChina.
2. As for students who could not satisfy basic requirements for graduation in the stipulated study duration, those who have achieved over 3/4 of the total requested credits could leave the university and the university will grant them Certificate of Completion. In that case, students could come back and retake the failed courses within the coming two years. When they meet the basic requirements for graduation after they have retaken those courses and passed all of them, the university could then grant them Certificate of Graduation to replace the Certificate of Completion. The issuing date printed on the Certificate of Graduation will be the date when they get the Certificate of Graduation.
3. Students who quit or are expelled by the university after study for a period could get a Certificate of Studying indicating that they have ever studied in our university.
4. The university would not grant students Bachelor’s Degree in the following situations:
(1) International students taught in Chinese medium majoring in sciences, engineering, management and medicine, who could not pass HSK Band 4 (with a score of at least 180);
(2) International students taught in Chinese medium majoring in liberal arts, history and philosophy and international students majoring in MBBS (English medium), who could not pass HSK Band 4 (with a score of at least 210);
(3) International students majoring in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, who could not pass HSK Band 5 (with a score of at least 210);
(4) Other situations that the University Degree Award Committee deems unable to grant Bachelor’s Degree.
5. As for Certificate of Graduation, Certificate of Bachelor’ Degree and Certificate of Completion, the university will grant to the graduates once every year. Such certificates would not be reissued when they are lost or damaged. However with the above condition, the university could issue a certificate document which has the same validity with the original certificates.
In case of any discrepancy between the English translation and the original Chinese text, however, the Chinese text shall prevail.