International Student Office Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Copyright © 2013 ISO HUST. All rights reserved.
Address:1037 Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan 430074, P.R.China
Telphone:0086-27-87542457 Fax:0086-27-87547833
Comprehensive Medical Insurance for International Students is targeted for all international scholarship students and self-supported students who successfully registered for each semester in regulated time. The insurance covers outpatient service, emergency treatment, inpatient treatment and accidental injury medical treatment. For further concerns, please call 24-hour hotline 4008105119, or contact 010-67185217 for details.
*Procedures for Claiming for Out-of-patient Service
1.Getting treatment
Students should go to a standard public hospital in mainland China to get medical treatment. The procedures are: register at hospital – pay fees – collect medicine – contact insurance company directly for claiming.
2.Claim Limit
For Chinese government scholarship students, if medical treatment fee is under 650 RMB per year, students will have to pay by themselves; the insurance company will cover 85% of the extra part over 650RMB.
For self-supported students, if medical treatment fee is under 2000 RMB per year, students will have to pay by themselves; the insurance company will cover 85% of the extra part over 2000RMB.
Total amount of the receipts per day is 600RMB maximum, and the total amount of receipts in every insured period is limited to 20000RMB.
3. Required Documents:
(1) Original receipts
(2) Medical record book (time on the receipt should be in accordance with the time on the medical record book)
(3) Photocopy of passport page with the expiration date
(4) Bank account information (List of detailed bank record, including name of the bank, bank account name, account number)
4.Students mail all the above required documents to the following address. The address should be written in Chinese:
*Procedures for Claiming for In-patient Service
Choice A: Paying by yourself in advance and claiming reimbursement afterwards
1. Procedures
Students should go to a standard public hospital in mainland China to get inpatient service. The procedures are:
1) register at hospital
2) pay all inpatient service fees by yourself
3) contact insurance company for reimbursement after treatment.
2. Required documents for reimbursement after treatment as follows:
1) Original receipts from the hospital
2) The detailed list of fees
3) Discharge abstract and medical record
4) Photocopy of passport page with the expiration date
5)Bank account information (List of detailed bank record, including name of the bank, bank account name, account number)
3. Reimbursed money will be transferred to your bank account directly one month later.
Choice B: Insurance company help you pay in advance
1. Procedures:
1) Students register in hospital and receive an inpatient treatment notice firstly
2) Students contact insurance company and have insurance company determine if they can help students pay in advance –
3) Students pay deposit to the hospital
4) Students receive inpatient treatment
2. Important notes
1)There are only two designated hospitals in Wuhan in which insurance company is able to help students pay in advance. They are:
People's Hospital of Hubei Province of Wuhan University (No.99, Zhangzhidong Road, Wuchang District)
Tongji Hospital of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Hangkong Road, Hankou District)
2) Before students receive inpatient service, students need to pay 10% of total inpatient fee as a deposit. Otherwise, students will not be able to receive inpatient services
3)Inpatient treatment notice from the hospital and medical record from outpatient service should be provided to the insurance company firstly, so that the company can decide whether they can pay for the students or not. Contact number for insurance company is 4008105119, or 010-67185217.
4)Students can also seek help from the International Students Office for further concerns.
因疾病进行门诊、急诊治疗所发生的合理医疗费用,中国政府奖学金生每个保险期限内累计支付650元以上,自费留学生每个保险期限内累计支付2000元以上的部分,保险公司将按照85%的比例赔付。当日消费限额为600元, 每个保险期内总消费限额为20000元。
4. 学生自行将材料邮寄至下列地址
1. 治疗
医院开具住院单 - 学生咨询保险公司寻求垫付 – 学生向医院交付押金 - 住院治疗
2. 垫付要求
1) 武汉市仅有两所保险公司指定的定点医院可以提供垫付,分别为:
2) 学生住院前,必须先向医院交付住院治疗费用10%的押金
3) 必须事先向保险公司提供门诊病历和医院开据的住院单,以便保险公司确认是否能够垫付。保险公司电话:4008105119,或者010-67185217
4) 可联系留学生办公室老师帮助咨询保险公司