Notice on the Arrangement of 2024 Winter Vacation
Editor: Date:January 23, 2024 Hits:

To all international students                                                                      Jan 23, 2024

According to the university’s arrangement of 2024 winter vacation, the winter vacation will start from January 20th, 2024 to February 25th, 2024. We hereby notify the related work arrangements for winter vacation:

1.During the winter vacation, please go to ISO or medical ISO if you have any questions.

Working hours:Jan.24 to Feb 8, Feb 19 to Feb 22, 8:30 am – 11:30 am, 14:30 pm – 17:00 pm.

Contact number: 027-87559551(ISO), 027-87793026(ISO), 027-83692920(medical ISO)

2.Students who have the plan to leave Wuhan must apply to the supervisor or the counselor of your school for approval and report your leave to the corresponding coordinator of the International Student Office. Students shall return to campus before February 23rd, 2024.

3.International students staying in Wuhan for winter vacation should pay attention to the electricity security, pay attention to the cold weather and keep warm, and maintain good study and rest habits. In case of any emergencies, please contact the apartment staff, the department counselor or the coordinator of the International Student Office as soon as possible. For service time of dining halls and supermarkets on campus, please click here:

Wish you a safe and peaceful winter vacation!

Wish you a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year!




International Student Office: 027-87559551, 027-877930261

International Students Office (Tongji campus): 027-83692920





1. 寒假期间,如有任何问题或相关业务办理需求,请前往国际学生办公室或医科国际学生办公室,值班时间为1月24日至2月8日、2月19日至2月22日,上午8:30-11:30,下午2:30-5:30,值班电话:027-87559551(主校区) 027-877930261(主校区) 027-83692920(同济校区)。

2. 有计划离汉离华的国际学生须向导师/辅导员申请,由院系审批,报国际学生办公室备案,并应在2月23日之前返校。

3. 国际学生寒假期间务必注意用电安全,注意防寒保暖,保持良好作息习惯,如遇突发情况,要第一时间联系公寓工作人员、院系辅导员或国际学生办公室值班老师。关于学校食堂和超市营业时间,请参考以下通知:







国际学生办公室:027-87559551, 027-87793026




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