On November 4th, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) was invited to attend the annual exchange forum for global partners held by ECAM Lyon online. Ms. YAN Wei, Director of the International Admission and Cooperation Office of School of International Education, HUST, recorded a promotional video for the forum. JIN FRANCO Huafen and Michael MOOR, Regional Program Directors of ECAM International Relations Office, attended the session. Nearly 100 French students participated in this event.
11月4日,法国里昂工程师学校(以下简称ECAM)举办一年一度的全球校际交流合作伙伴论坛,我校受邀在线参加。国际教育学院招生与对外合作办公室主任严薇为该校录制了专场宣讲视频,ECAM国际关系处区域项目主管JIN FRANCO Huafen,Michael MOOR以及近百名法国在校生参加了本次活动。

Ms. YAN Wei gave a detailed introduction to the university development history, comprehensive ranking, discipline construction, social service, campus environment and “Discover at HUST” online programs. She stressed that HUST has a long history of cooperation with French universities and research institutions. Prof. LIU Jianfeng, Dean of the College of Life Science and Technology of HUST, was awarded “L'ordre des Palmes académiques” by the French government in 2010. The School of Optical and Electronic Information has also established long-term cooperation with Institut d'Optique Gratuate School (IOGS), University of Paris-Saclay, University of Strasbourg, Institut supérieur d'électronique de Paris (ISEP) and some other French universities. Over the years, HUST has cultivated nearly 700 French students, covering various disciplines including engineering, medicine, humanities and so on.

Video link:http://discover.hust.edu.cn/fore/courses/courseDetail.do?sid=21110317375691421022271
Founded in 1900, ECAM is a member of the Grandes Écoles de Commerce (an association of advanced business schools). In recent years, ECAM has been dispatching French students to HUST for long-term and short-term exchange programs. Starting from last year, HUST has been invited to attend the online promotional session held by ECAM for two consecutive years. According to JIN FRANCO Huafen, the active cooperation between HUST and French universities in recent years has built a solid foundation for student exchange, and the participating students all gained an in-depth understanding of HUST through the forum. ECAM also expressed strong willingness to send more students to HUST for further study in the coming year.
法国ECAM Lyon工程师学院创建于1900年, 是法国精英院校协会成员之一。近年来,该校已陆续派遣多名法国学生来我校进行长短期交流研修项目。2020年,我校受邀参加了法国ECAM Lyon工程师学院线上宣讲会,今年再次受邀参加该校校际合作交流论坛。据JIN FRANCO Huafen介绍,通过此次合作论坛,参会法方师生对我校有了更加深入的了解,特别是近年来华中大与法国高校深厚的合作基础为ECAM学生来我校交流学习建立了良好的口碑。此次活动结束后,法方表达了在疫情结束后派送更多学生到我校学习交流的意愿。