On June 6 and 7, China Perception-100 International Doctors Explore Optics Valley was held in Wuhan. Sponsored by China Scholarship Council, organized by Huazhong University of Science and Technology(HUST) and co-organized by Wuhan Overseas Scholar Business Park (WOSP), this event attracted over 100 international doctors supported by Chinese Government Scholarship from 7 top universities in Wuhan for participation, including Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, China University of Geoscience (Wuhan), Central China Normal University, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan University of Technology and Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. They grasped a deeper understanding of Optics Valley and China by interacting with a collection of renowned enterprises.
Prof. Chen Jianguo, vice president of HUST, delivered the opening speech.
On the morning of June 6, the Second Optics Valley Forum for World Youths and Chinese Entrepreneur Elites was held in the Conference Center of Hilton Wuhan Optics Valley. Mr. Liu Junhua, the dean of School of International Education, presented the congratulatory letter from China Scholarship Council firstly. Prof. Chen Jianguo, vice president of HUST, delivered the opening speech. He said HUST paid high attention to the education of international students and had cultivated over 6000 talents from over 150 countries. In 2016, around 3700 international students from 151 countries were studying on campus, witnessed the rapid development of education on international students. He encouraged the international students to go forward, and immerse themselves into the local culture and life in Wuhan and wished them to become a new Wuhan citizen.Mr. Yang Zili, the director of Wuhan Commerce (Investment Promotion) Bureau attended the forum and delivered a speech, Ms.Zhao Xiaofeng, vice dean of School of International Education of HUST,presided over the meeting.
The Second Optics Valley Forum for World Youths and Chinese Entrepreneur Elites was held
Prof. He Kefang from Wuhan Overseas Scholar Business Park(WOSP) delivered a speech titled as "The Belt & Road Initiative" and Entrepreneurship & Employment of International Students in Wuhan, in which he introduced the origin and development of The Belt & Road Initiative, the future industries and some vital research programs. He invited international students to join in the first China Optics Valley International Youth Entrepreneurship Collection Campaign. Representatives from Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press Co., Ltd, Wuhan ZD Information and Technology Co., Ltd and Fiberhome Technologies Group delivered speeches, which aroused attentive attention from the international PhD students at present. Dr. Sujeewa Vijayanthi Polgampala Aregamalage from Sri Lanka made a well-received speech regarding “One Belt and Road initiative” and employment of international students.
Enterprise Bazaar(21 high-tech enterprises)
HGTECH, HNC,Tianyu Information,Hubei Hongyuan Power Engineering Co., Ltd, China Southern Airlines, Hubei Golden Berry Technology Development Co., Ltd, BLZ, ZFLY, QAL, HKB, HYNERTECH, TPV, ALQ International Design Consultant illustrated the international plans under the new pact of “One Belt and Road Initiative”.“The experience has greatly boosted my knowledge of Chinese companies and the new trend of globalization, thus it allows me to conduct more coherent occupational plannings,” said by some participants.
Ms. Zhao Xiaofeng(second right), vice dean of School of International Education of HUST, introduced enterprises to international PhD students.
International PhD students were guided to visit Optics Valley Public Service Center and Wuhan Overseas Scholar Business Park on June 7. “Amazing,it is very convenient to extend my visa here!” said by Malechwanzi from Wuhan University of Technology. During the field visits, international students have got a real understanding of the operation of Chinese government, convenient service for citizens and enterprises, and a series of policies to promote local economic and social development.
Ms. Sujeewa Vijayanthi Polgampala Aregamalage from Sri Lanka delivered a speech
Since 2015, China Scholarship Council has organized and conducted social practices and Chinese culture experience activities for international students to increase their knowledge of Chinese economy, social development and traditional culture and moreover, to strengthen their sense of honor.
100 international PhD students visited Optics Valley Public Service Center
In response to “the Belt and Road Initiative” proposed by China's President Xi Jinping, “To make Optics Valley more international” put forward by Premier Li keqiang and "Millions of College Students' Entrepreneurship Campaign in Wuhan" launched by Wuhan government, China Perception—The 2nd 100 International Doctors Explore Optics Valley” has achieved a complete success. It has not only helped hundreds of international doctors closely witness the prosperity of optics valley and Wuhan, convenient services by government and innovative & dynamic enterprises, but also created the platform for interactions between international high-level talents in Wuhan and Chinese high-tech industries, by which to help international students perceive China better.
100 international PhD students visited Wuhan Overseas Scholar Business Park(WOSP)
HUST PhD Students
International volunteers
同期举行的第二届“中国光谷·世界青年与中国企业精英论坛”上,武汉留学生创业园总经理何科方博士作了题为“The Belt & Road Initiative” and Entrepreneurship & Employment of International Students in Wuhan(“一带一路” 与国际学生留汉创业与就业)的主旨演讲。何科方结合“一带一路”的历史起源和发展,向广大留学生们详细讲解了“中国光谷”的起源和发展壮大,他欢迎广大外国博士加入“光谷国际创客之家”,融入光谷的创新发展之中。华中科技大学出版社有限责任公司、烽火科技集团和武汉市支点信息技术有限公司从公司业务、全球化发展战略、服务留学生发展等方面进行了发言,引起了外籍博士们的浓厚兴趣。留学生代表、华中科技大学斯里兰卡籍SUJEEWA VIJAYANTHI POLGAMPALA AREGAMALAGE(李兰香)博士关于“一带一路”下留学生在华就业政策的精彩演讲也让现场响起了经久不息的掌声。
广大外籍博士们于6月7日先后深入光谷公共服务中心和武汉留学生创业园,亲身体验光谷的政府政务服务水平和创新创业活力。在光谷公共服务中心,面对宽敞明亮的办公大楼以及便捷高效的服务环境,博士们显得惊喜万分。“Amazing,it is very convenient to extend my visa here! (太棒了, 在这里我可以快速办好签证延长手续!)”来自武汉理工大学的肯尼亚博士生Malechwanzi 惊叹道。
此次由华中科技大学承办的“感知中国——第二届百名外国博士进光谷”活动,积极响应习近平总书记“一带一路”倡议,落实李克强总理“要做中国光谷 更要做天下谷”的要求以及武汉市“百万大学生留汉创业计划”的号召,在武汉市政府相关部门的支持下,帮助百名外国博士生亲身感受了光谷和武汉的蓬勃发展、便捷的政务服务和企业创新发展活力,同时还搭建了在汉高端国际高端人才和中国高新产业的交流平台,有效帮助外国留学生认识了中国,感知了中国,取得了圆满成功。
其他媒体报道Other News Reports:
1、新华社 Xinhua News Agency
2、人民网 People.cn
3、武汉市政府Wuhan Municipal Government
4、武汉市委宣传部 Publicity Department of CPC Wuhan Committee
5、中国光谷/武汉东湖新技术开发区Optics Valley of China/Wuhan East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone
6、长江日报Changjiang Daily
7、长江周刊Changjiang Weekly
8、华中大新闻网HUST News
撰稿:陈曦 兰行行