On June 5 and June 6, 2015, 16 Brazilian students from Science without Boarders Program in our university participated in the Enterprise Communicating Events in Beijing. The events were co-organized by China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Embassy of Brazil inChina. Liu Jinghui, Secretary- General of CSC, and Valdemar Carneiro Leao, Ambassador from Brazil Embassy, attended the events and delivered opening remarks.
Liu Jinghui mentioned in her remarks that China and Brazil signed <Memorandum of Understanding on Providing Internship Opportunities for Brazil Science without Boarders Program Students> during President Xi Jinping’s visit to Brazil in 2014 which encourages more Brazilian students to study and participate in internship in China. CSC and Embassy of Brazil in Chinaco-organized this event in order to implement Memorandum of Understanding and help build a platform for direct exchanging and communicating between enterprises and students. She also encouraged students to continue efforts in becoming ambassador of friendship after they go back toBraziland introduce more friends toChinafor study and life.
During the event, Qu Wenchu, senior vice president of Huawei, Guan Dongyuan, director of EMBRAER China Office, and representatives from VALE Shanghai Office, BANCO DO Brazil Shanghai Branch, SIMERX China, SANY Corporation, EMBRACO Beijing Office, NUCTECH Brazil and APEX BRAZIL Beijing Office, were invited to the event and introduced each of their company history, business culture, and developmental prospects in China and Brazil. They also offered internship and job opportunities for students on site. Afterwards, students visitedZhongguancunSciencePark, HUAWEI Exhibition Hall and SANY Industrial Park.
Sun Nan, a Brazilian student fromSchoolofEnergyand Power Engineering of HUST expressed, “I am very happy to be able to participate in this event with all the Brazilian students from all overChina. The face-to-face communication with high-tech companies fromChinaandBrazilenriches my experiences. I hope we can have more opportunities to visit and intern in Chinese companies in the future.”
It is reported that more than 100 Brazilian students from 30 Chinese universities have participated in the event. Students from School of Energy and Power Engineering, School of Computer Science and Technology, Tongji Medical college, School of Mechanical Science and Engineering and School of Management of our university participated in the event.
活动期间,华为技术有限公司高级副总裁瞿文初、巴西航空工业公司中国分公司主管Guan Dongyuan以及巴西淡水河谷公司上海分公司、巴西银行上海分行、巴西思美克贸易中国分部、三一重工、巴西恩布拉科北京分公司、同方威视技术股份有限公司巴西分公司、巴西出口与投资促进局北京办事处的代表在活动现场为学生们介绍了各自企业的历史发展进程、企业文化以及企业在中国和巴西的发展前景,并现场为学生们提供了毕业实习及就业机会。随后留学生们参观了中关村科技园、华为展示园北京展厅和三一重工产业园。