January 31, 2020
All international students:
According to Hubei provincial coronavirus prevention regulations, the minimum human mobility is required. School of International Education, HUST, will be on duty by phone and internet during this special time period. Therefore, International Student Office will NOT process any resident permit/visa related issues, and some supplementary notifications are as follows:
1. International students in Wuhan
From January 23, 2020, when the city lockdown officially started,
international students in Wuhan are able to process your resident permit issue on your own in Wuhan Citizens Home. The Wuhan Immigration Office is open during this period.
For students whose resident permits already expired before the temporary city lockdown, you will be punished according to Chinese Immigration Law. The number of days of illegal residence is calculated as follows: the number of days of actual illegal residence minus the number of days of temporary closure of departure channels (or isolations for treatment).
For students whose resident permits expired during this temporary city lockdown, you will need to process your resident permit in Wuhan Citizens Home within 10 days after the temporary lockdown (or isolations for treatment) is ended. If you complete the above issue within regulated time, your illegal stay will not be punished.
The date of receiving your passport will accord to the receipt.
2. International students outside Wuhan
You are suggested to exit China if you are outside Wuhan, and currently not able to be back to town due to the temporary lockdown and traffic control policy. If you insist to stay in China, you are requested to report your situation and process your identification in the local immigration bureau。
If you are not able to renew your legal permit or exit China due to this virus outbreak, the punishment towards your illegal stay will be minimized according to Chinese law.
You will be collecting your ID in the local immigration bureau and the date of receiving it will accord to the receipt.
International Student Office
School of International Education
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
一、 在汉停留居留的国际学生
二、 在外停留居留的国际学生
1. 因疫情防控和交通管制原因无法返汉且证件即将到期的国际学生,应在
2. 因疫情防控原因难以按时出境且无法及时办理证件延期手续的,公安机关出入境管理部门会依法依规从轻处罚。
3. 取证日期以办证回执单为准;取证机关为停留、居留证件受理机关。
Note: Please refer to the following links for updated immigration notices
1. Questions and Answers by National Immigration Administration Concerning Immigration and Exit-Entry Administration during the Period of Prevention and Control on Pneumonia caused by Novel Coronavirus
2. Announcement on the Protection of the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Foreigners Staying and Residing in Wuhan City during the Temporary Closure of Departure Channels
3. Public Prevention of Pneumonia Caused by Novel Coronavirus