Updates of Novel Coronavirus in Wuhan
Editor: Date:February 1, 2020 Hits:

Dear international students,

Firstly, International Student Office will share some good news here in Wuhan.

After 9 days’ intensive construction work, Huoshenshan makeshift hospital is completed. Medical personnel from the People's Liberation Army will take over this 1,000-bed infirmary to treat people diagnosed with the virus. A total of 1,400 medical workers from the military will start tomorrow on Monday receiving and treating patients. The move was approved by President Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission.

Wuhan also announced construction of a 1,500-bed facilityLeishenshan Hospitalto ease the shortage of beds for coronavirus patients in Wuhan and it will official take patients on February 6.

In order to prevent the virus spreading, the municipal government just announced its latest rule that all suspected 2019-nCoV cases and their close contacts will be taken for intensified separation and observation, and those who are reluctant to cooperate will be taken away by police. Free food and medical treatment will be provided during observation. For Chinese version of this notice, please read: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1657413458845585370&wfr=spider&for=pc

Finally, the municipal government announced its 24-hour fever hotline today at: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1657399643774073293&wfr=spider&for=pc

Please follow your own community if you are living off-campus.


Best wishes and take care!


International Student Office

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