
A1班的学生们和老师一起聚集在教室里,感受了中国传统节日——中秋节的风俗。活动开始后,老师首先为同学们简单介绍了中秋节的意义,紧接着和同学们一起用中英文朗诵了一首有关中秋节的诗词——《水调歌头》,最后同学们都非常高兴,班级气氛也热闹非凡,大家争相合影,留下了一幕幕宝贵的瞬间和美好的回忆。(中文编辑:袁欢;英文编辑:MUZAFFAR KHALILOV(木安和))
On the afternoon of October 12, A1 class experienced the Chinese traditional festival atmosphere and learned to sing Chinese songs together in D12.
The students in the A1 class gathered together with their teacher in the classroom and learnt the custom of Chinese traditional festival—the Mid-Autumn Festival. At the beginning of the event, the teacher gave a brief introduction to the profound cultural connotation of Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, and then read a poem concerning the Mid-Autumn Festival to the students — “Prelude to Water Melody” in English. Finally all students were pleasant in this lively activity and photos were taken continuously. They would always cherish their precious memories forever.

2017年10月11日下午A2携同A5班一同开展了一次以学习和制作中国结以及简易手链为主题的文化活动课。活动伊始,文小倩老师为各位同学讲述了中国结和红色手链中蕴含的中国文化。讲解完毕,两位班主任老师带领学生们一同观看了中国结制作简易视频。随后便由两位老师一同示范中国结编制方法。同学们也都迫不及待地拿起老师们为他们准备的红绳进行学习模仿,两位老师也走下讲台走到各位同学身边进行示范和指导。一节课结束时很多同学都编好了一个美丽的中国结,他们盼望着把这些代表着吉祥如意的中国结送给自己重要的人。第二节课便是手链教学,老师们悉心教导,同学们热情饱满,学习制作十分认真。课程结束时大家依然意犹未尽,不愿离去。 (中文编辑:石思,文小倩;英文编辑:Shi Si, Wen Xiaoqian)
On the afternoon of October 11, class A2 and A5 carried out culture activities of Chinese knot and simple bracelet. At the beginning of the event, Teacher Wen Xiaoqian elaborated on the culture links beneath the Chinese knot and red bracelet for the students, especially the Chinese knot’s auspicious representation. After the explanation was completed, teachers of the two classes let students watch a sample video of making Chinese knot. Then the two teachers together demonstrated the Chinese knot making processes. They walked around to demonstrate the process details and helped the students who were eager to learn. Many students finished a beautiful Chinese knot, at the end of the first period, and were looking forward to giving them to their beloved ones. The second lesson centered on bracelets, during the period of which teachers were careful to teach and students were enthusiastic to learn. At the end of the course, students were greatly amazed by the profound Chinese culture.

10月9日下午,A4班国际学生在东十二楼开展了一场别开生面的文化课,对中国的中秋节进行了深入了解。本次活动先通过丰富的视频和图片,生动地向学生展示了中秋节的面貌以及文化内涵。随后,大家又一起学习歌曲《水调歌头》,学生寇德瑞和韦娜很快就能随着旋律唱出动听的歌曲,引得大家纷纷为他们鼓掌。活动结束后老师送给了每个学生一块月饼,此次活动让学生感受到了中国节日文化的气息,同时也增进了同窗情谊,取得圆满成功。(中文编辑:何梦,英文编辑:TAHA MANDOURI(塔哈))
On the afternoon of October 9, A4 class held a special cultural session in D12 concerning China's Mid-Autumn Festival. This event started with a cluster of vivid video and pictures to show students the Festival’s connotations. Then, all the students learned the song "Shui Diao Ge Tou", among which students Kou Derui and Wei Na learned the melody quickly, winning incessant applause from the rest of students. After the event, the teacher offered each student a piece of mooncake. The activity enabled the students to explore the Chinese culture and appreciate its charm; most importantly, it has brought the students closer than ever before.

国际学生们表示这次活动他们不仅玩得十分开心,而且受益匪浅,因为在玩的同时他们也学到了不少关于中国的文化知识,表示希望以后能够多举行类似的活动! (中文编辑:袁嘉琪;英文编辑:ALISHER SHARIPOV(夏立民))
On October 10th, 2017, class B1 participated several autumn traditional activities of Chinese people, like jumping rope, kicking the shuttlecock, in the eastern playground.
Each student was handed out a shuttlecock firstly. Under the guidance of the teacher, they were slowly mastering the skill. Tajikistan student Xia Limin and Iranian student Xi Nai attracted the attention of everyone: they kicked up and slowly moving on. Many students learned their skills from them. On the other side of the playground, He Yonghao from Cote d'Ivoire and Song Shan from Mali put up a long rope; Jia Li from Cote d'Ivoire and Song Rong from Mali began to jump up first, then Wen Shanwu and Wen Lide also joined in… Gradually, every students joined the game of the big rope.
Students expressed that not only did they have great pleasure but also benefited a lot from these activities, as the entertainment contained knowledge of Chinese culture. In the end, they hoped there would be more similar activities in the future!

活动结束,老师把这些毽子送给留学生作为纪念,留学生也从活动中体验了踢毽子和跳绳的乐趣,留下了美好的回忆。(中文编辑:张妍;英文编辑:Zhang Yan)
On the afternoon of October 10, class B3 participated several autumn traditional activities in the eastern playground.
Each student was first handed out a shuttlecock and then learnt this skill slowly under the guidance of the teacher. Despite a heavy wind outside, students still demonstrated great enthusiasm for this experience. They took part in various activities together, which deepened their mutual understanding and strengthened their cohesion.
At the end of the event, the teacher gave the shuttlecock to the students as a gift. Students also experienced the fun of playing the shuttlecock and jumping rope from the activity, which left a good memory in their minds.

比赛结束后,同学们意犹未尽,老师把这些毽子送给学生作为纪念。此次跳绳、踢毽子比赛不仅丰富了同学们课余文化生活,更让同学们在运动中体会到了快乐。(中文稿:张海娇、王艳杰;英文编辑:Zhang Haijiao,Wang Yanjie)
On the afternoon of October 9, class C1 and C2 experienced various activities of autumn season in the eastern playground,including kicking shuttle cocks and rope skipping. The students all took an active part in the competition. The match was tense, intense and interesting, and the students spent a great time.
The first round was shuttlecock, two classes were divided into two groups, and the competition went on quite fiercely. Finally, the C2 class won the match with Kong Nuo kicking 48 times. Bai Shan from class C1 did an excellent job as well. In rope skipping match, the second round of competition, the two class students were all eager to represent their classes and performed very well.
When the activity came to a close, some students still had their thoughts lingered over these activities, and teachers gave shuttlecocks to students as special gifts. The competition not only enriched the students’ extracurricular cultural life, but also made them feel happy in the games.