A1& A4班

10月23日上午,我校汉语生A1班、A4班国际学生在东操举行了中国传统体育项目的友谊赛,让学生们体验了传统的中国体育文化。活动分为认识新朋友、踢毽子、跳绳和拔河四个部分。在袁老师的指导下,学生们站成两排互相问候,接着,在学生们的呐喊助威下,两个班级展开了踢毽子、跳绳、拔河的激烈竞争,A1班金东辉和A4班广文代表班级进行踢毽子比赛,他们动作灵活、技法娴熟,赢得了两班学生的阵阵掌声。友谊比赛加强了班级凝聚力,也增进了A1、A4两个班级的友谊,比赛在欢笑与掌声中拉下了帷幕,但是A1与A4班的故事还会不断上演……(中文编辑:A1 袁欢 A4何梦;英文编辑:AMZA MOCTAR DOSSO(杜松))
On the morning of October 23rd, students of Chinese class A1 and A4 held a friendly match in the eastern playground, which enabled students to experience traditional Chinese sports. This activity encompassed four different parts: meeting and greeting new friends, playing shuttlecock matches, rope skipping and playing tug of war. Under the guidance of Miss. Yuan, students stood in two rows to greet with each other; then, the shouting and cheering of the audiences opened the match: the two classes started fierce competitions of shuttlecocks, skipping ropes and tug-of-war. Jin Donghui from class A1 and Guang Wen from class A4, representing their respective class, took shuttlecock game; their moves were flexible and skillful, winning incessant applause from the rest of students. This competition not only strengthened the cohesion of each class but also enhanced the friendship between the two classes. This activity finally ended with laughter and applause, but the stories between class A1 and class A4 just began and would continue to unfold in the days to come.

这场活动分为踢毽子和跳绳两个项目。首先进行的是踢毽子项目,学生一共分为三组。每组七个成员。在经过几分钟的热身后,比赛正式开始。在第一组组员合力踢出20下的时候,第二组中的一个成员仅凭单人就赶超第一组的总成绩,在其他小伙伴惊呆之时,该组的另一个成员又创造了一个新的个人成绩。因此比赛毫无悬念地由第二组获得。 接下来进行的是小组跳绳比赛。气氛很热烈,比赛再一次由第二组小组成员获胜。最后,老师们对获胜的第二组成员进行了颁奖。活动结束后,学生们都愉快地进行了合影留念,并向开展活动的老师表示了感谢。(中文编辑:石思,文小倩;英文编辑:SOUFIANE BAHRI(何善))
On the afternoon of November 1st, with autumn breeze and bright sunshine in the air, students from class A2 and A5 held an outdoor activity of playing shuttlecocks and skipping rope in the eastern playground.
This activity was divided into two parts: shuttlecock kicking and rope skipping. The first round concerned the shuttlecock project, joined by a total of three groups of students, seven members in each group. After a few minutes of warm-up, the race started. When the first team members kicked 20 times together, one member in the second team easily surpassed this record on his own. While the other teammates were still stunned, another member from this team created another personal best. The game was undoubtedly won by the second group. Next to this was a rope-skipping group competition. The atmosphere was warm and the competition was once again won by the second group. Finally, teachers awarded the second group the winners’ prize. After these matches, the students happily took a group photo and thanked teachers for organizing such excellent activities.

10月26日,A3班和B2的师生在东操场体验了多种形式的活动,包括踢毽子和跳绳。同学们热情高涨,认真练习踢毽子,引来了很多人观看。虽然是第一次尝试,但是不少同学的毽子踢得不错;我们把学生分成了五组,进行了踢毽子比赛,玩得不亦乐乎。最后以B2班代表队两分钟136个和A3班代表队两分钟132个告终。踢毽子比赛结束后,大家又开始跳绳,跳着,笑着,在活动中建立了更深厚的友谊,度过了一段开心的时光。(中文编辑:朱艳、唐青; 英文编辑:Zhu Yan,Tang Qing)
On the afternoon of October 26, students from classes A3&B2 experienced various activities concerning Chinese traditional customs in eastern playground, including shuttlecocks kicking and rope skipping. They were very enthusiastic about it, and attracted many audiences to cheer for them. Most of the students were good at kicking shuttle cock though it was their first attempt. Students were divided into five groups to start the competition. All the students had a great fun and the match ended up with B2 group achieving 136 times in 2 minutes, beating A3 group’s 132. After the competition, they gathered around to start rope jumping and smiling; finally, they established a deeper friendship and all the students had a great time.

接着,老师利用盖碗,分别给学生们泡了乌龙茶铁观音、绿茶恩施玉露与红茶金骏眉,乌龙茶,浓香味清甜,绿茶清香味微苦、红茶果香入口绵柔;同学们喝着茶,聊着天,时间很快就过去了,下课的时候,纷纷表示想下次继续喝。(中文稿:袁嘉琪/英文稿:SAMUEL JOSEPH HAYNES(文山坞))
For over a millennium a rather unassuming evergreen shrub has remained one of seven necessities of life in China, on par with rice and firecrackers. It seems fitting, on the 24th of October 2017, the class of B1 experienced their very first traditional tea ceremony on the campus of HUST. With an assortment of teas at hand, the teacher presented the particulars of this curious ritual with slides; the correct three finger cup hold, aroma’s equal standing with taste and the subtleties of bitter, sweet and fruity blends. From the clay teapot’s sinuous path from cup to cup to the courteous double tap. Teacher presented students with Oolong, Green Tea of En’shi, and Black Tea of Gold Manes. The session ended with a unanimous hope that there is another opportunity to partake in a tea tasting ceremony, although maybe this time with a larger kettle.

活动结束,老师把这些饺子全部煮熟后,留学生们争先恐后地品尝自己的劳动成果。当看到他们纷纷竖起大拇指,欢快地聊着天,老师相信他们彼此之间的感情又得到了加深。(中文:唐青,张妍;英文:Tang Qing,Zhang Yan)
On the afternoon of November 6, students from class B2 and B3 were chatting with each other in Bojingge, learning to make dumplings and experiencing traditional activities of Chinese dumpling making.
Before the culture class, teachers prepared all kinds of materials for dumplings: wrappers, ginger roots, carrots, eggs... Teacher only prepared beef for meat, considering the fact that there were students who only ate halal food. Under the guidance of the teacher, the students began to chop up the vegetables and make dumplings. They were chatting, sharing the experience of making dumplings, and the table was filled with all kinds of hand-made dumplings.
At the end of the event, teachers cooked all the dumplings, the students were eager to taste their fruits. That fact that students gave their thumbs up and talked with each other happily convinced teachers that deeper feelings had been established among students.
10月23日,艾甜的生日,第一个同学过生日,选择给她庆祝生日。带着蛋糕到了教室,请他们在黑板上用自己国家的语言写下生日祝福语。我也给他们讲了一些中国人过生日的习俗,包括长寿面、寿桃等等。现在很多人过生日都会买蛋糕,和朋友一起庆祝。白山告诉我们,他的生日持续了一个星期,每天和不同的朋友庆祝。我们点燃蜡烛,艾甜许了生日愿望,我们一起唱了生日歌,最后分享了蛋糕。大家都很开心,争相合影,留下了一幕幕宝贵的瞬间和美好的回忆。(中文:张海娇;英文:Zhang Haijiao)
October 23rd was the birthday of C1 class member Ai Tian. The teacher brought a big cake for the whole class in order to commemorate her birthday. Together, the whole class wished Ai Tian a happy birthday by writing "happy birthday" in different languages. The also teacher introduced Chinese birthday customs, including longevity noodles, peach-shaped mantou and so on. She also told students that “Nowadays Chinese people usually buy their friends cakes on birthdays and celebrate the special event together”. Bai Shan told the rest of students that his birthday had lasted for one week, celebrating with different friends every day. The whole class lit candles, and Ai Tian made her birthday wishes. The whole class sang birthday songs together, and shared the cake at last. All students were pleasant and photos were taken continuously. They would cherish their precious memories forever.
10月23日下午,我校汉语生C2班国际学生在东十二教学楼体验中国传统的剪纸文化。老师首先整体介绍了中国传统剪纸,接着向大家展示各种各样的剪纸成品。在同学们的实际操作阶段,老师在黑板上画出剪纸图案,标明该剪掉的部分,学生们剪得不亦乐乎。来自伊朗的方迪第一个完成剪纸,兴奋地拿着自己的作品展示给同学们看。大家其乐融融,最后都剪出了自己的作品。剪纸活动顺利结束,同学们把自己剪出来的成品留做纪念,也体验到了手工剪纸的快乐。(中文:王艳杰;英文:Wang Yanjie)
On the afternoon of October 23, class C2 gathered in D12 to experience the traditional Chinese paper-cutting culture. Teacher first introduced the traditional art of paper-cutting in a general way and then showed them different types of artworks as samples. When it came to the practice, the teacher drew the pattern on the blackboard and marked the place to be cut off. Fang Di from Iran was the first to finish and showed it in excitement to everybody in class. This activity let everyone learn more about Chinese culture, and they cherished their works as great remembrance. They also understood the happiness of hand-crafting, and this was the first time for them to learn the essence of Chinese culture. All the student had great fun in the practice and were able to finish their own work in the end. The successful activity left the students both good paper souvenirs and happiness of craftsmanship.
On the afternoon of October 25, Class D conducted a class of cultural activities with the theme of "I Love Chinese Culture - Calligraphy" in D12 classroom 415, enabling students from all over the world to get close contact and feel the charm of Chinese Culture - Calligraphy.
In this class, the teacher first vividly introduced the history, representative figures and related knowledge of calligraphy so that students could understand the long history and profoundness of calligraphic culture and some knowledge about “Scholar's Four Jewels” (writing brush, ink stick, ink slab and paper); then, the teacher elaborated on the correct gesture to hold the writing brush and the basic strokes of Chinese characters as well as the display of some Chinese calligraphers’ masterpieces. Students showed great interest in all of this and couldn't wait to pick up the brush to create their own work. In the end, each of them felt the charm of Chinese calligraphic culture and all took photo with their most satisfied work.