With the rare warm sunshine in winter, on December 23, 2012, the HUST English press corps went to the photo exhibition held by Changjiang Daily at the Wuhan Citizens’ Home. The exhibition is stunning in that all the photos found in it were taken from helicopters and that it offers the visitors a panorama of the modernWuhan.
Great changes have taken place inWuhanover the past ten years. As citizens or visitors, we may have noticed some of those changes with our own eyes, but those who attended the exhibition were likely to be convinced that what they had known before were far from the whole picture. Then how to get an overall view of the city?
Three photographers from Changjiang Daily answered the above question with their deeds and their final works, the aerial photographs. “As newspapermen, we feel responsible for leaving some tracks to show the development of our city, providing a brand-new angle for all those who want to read about Wuhan, from which they could get a more comprehensive and deeper understanding of the city and its huge transitions. Out of this, we decided to record the style and features ofWuhanfrom aloft. ” said one of them.
The exhibition shows modernWuhanfrom different aspects. The magnificentWuhan-YangtzeRiverBridge reveals the exquisiteness of its design and its position as a transportation hub; the flourishing commercial streets and high skyscrapers surroundingGuanggu Square give people the impression thatWuhanis prospering in economy. The modeling chic Qintai Culture and Art Center and the splendid Wuhan International Expo Center strike the viewers with the cultural values of Wuhan…
“I like these photos very much! So beautiful! They are beyond my expectation of Wuhan. “, said Daria, a Russian girl from HUST who declares the exhibition ceremony open with officials of Wuhan.
“From those aerial photographs, we enjoy a better view of HUST and the Optics Valley around us” said Daniel from Columbia and Raghav Chopra from India.
“With the development of Wuhan, we will have a better life to study and live in this Gorgeous City.” , said our corps members!

Reading photo album of Wuhan

An interview

Wuhan Citizens' Home (new address of Immigration Office)