(Reported by Liu Shenghao) Between July 4th and 15th, School of Electronics Information and Communications and Fiberhome company held an internship for all undergraduate students of 2013 of HUST in Wuhan Telecommunication Research Institute. A total of 60 Chinese and international students joined this internship. During the two-weeks’ internship, all students grasped a deeper understanding of fiber and communication knowledge by in-depth interactions with experienced engineers.
In the first week internship, engineer supervisors provided comprehensive theoretical training in English language and taught international students the structure of Fiberhome and the knowledge of fiber communication. Engineers also took the students to the production line and the exhibition hall of the Fiberhome, and lectured students with the knowledge of complete procedures from fiber production to application on-site.
In the second week, international and Chinese students worked together to complete the projects of optical transmission network – the construction of SDH system, and fiber optical deployment which were lectured by professional engineers. In order to make a good communication and cooperation between Chinese and international students, students were divided into groups randomly and were given tasks requiring team work and collaboration. All students completed the project of optical transmission network under the guidance of engineers. Afterwards, all students were taken outside to finish the task of fiber optical deployment by connecting fiber in the yard.
After two weeks’ internship, all students not only enhanced their operational skills and team work ability, but also get strengthened their theoretical knowledge by practical application into the practice. In the end of the internship, the Fiberhome company held a closing ceremony and professor Zeng Yujiang from School of Electronic Information and Communications of HUST and relative people in charge attended the ceremony. International student representative, Mr NSUNZA WATIPATSA WISHEIGHZ, from Malawi, gave a speech in the ceremony and expressed his gratitude towards this internship opportunity and cherished this experience which benefited him more than expected.
(编译严薇) 7月4日-15日,由我校电子信息与通信学院和烽火科技邮科院研究所共同组织开展的大学生暑期生产实习在武汉邮科院举行。来自华中科技大学电子信息与通信学院2013级中外学生近60人参加了本次实习。为期两周的实习中,同学们直接与烽火科技公司的光纤光缆工程师们深入对话,学习到了一整套通信设备的知识。
通过两个星期的生产实习,不仅增强了学生们的动手操作能力和团队合作能力,还让学生们将自己所学习的理论知识转化为实际的工程应用。在生产实习的最后,烽火科技举办了实习结业典礼。会上,来自电子信息与通信学院院长助理曾喻江教授和烽火科技邮科院研究所的领导分别致辞。我校来自马拉维的留学生NSUNZA WATIPATSA WISHEIGHZ作为优秀学员代表进行了发言,表示非常珍惜此次实习机会,学习到的知识受益匪浅。