On November 10, 29 international students and 10 Chinese Students attended the awarding ceremony for volunteers of orientation program of international students. Mr. Lan Hanghang, the director of ISO and Mr. Yin Xin presented the ceremony.
Nearly 100 international and Chinese students from different schools and departments have been recruited as volunteers. 11 international students and 10 Chinese students were awarded the title of Excellent Volunteer with their outstanding performance. Mr.Seyed Mobin Arablou from Iran, Mr.Chiranjib Chakrabart from India and Miss WangYujing from China delivered impressive speeches as the representatives of the volunteers. Mr. Mobin introduced an APP developed by himself which can help international students adjust to campus life. "I really appreciate your devotion to the volunteering job and internationalization of our university! And I believe that the unique experience will turn to be sweet memory in your mind." Mr. Lan concluded the ceremony.

It’s said that over 900 new international student from all over the world have completed the registration this semester and embraced the new campus life.
11月 10 日中午,29 名国际学生与10名中国学生齐聚国际学生活动中心,参加2017秋季国际学生迎新志愿者表彰大会。来华留学办公室主任兰行行,指导老师尹新林出席了表彰会。
参加迎新工作的近100名中外志愿者来自不同院系,包括在校本科生、硕博研究生。其中,11名国际学生和10名中国学生被授予“优秀志愿者”荣誉称号。伊朗的Seyed Mobin Arablou、印度的Chiranjib Chakrabart 和中国的王雨静作为志愿者代表发言。“希望这个APP能够帮助他们!”Mobin还演示了他自己研发的可以帮助国际学生适应校园生活的手机应用。兰行行充分肯定志愿者的奉献精神,“谢谢你们为学校的国际化贡献力量!相信这份独特的体验会成为你们美好的回忆”。
