2014 Chinese Government Scholarship PhD Students Seminar Successfully Held
Editor:Dong Jiawei, Jerry Yin, Peng Yan Date:November 21, 2014 Hits:

On November 18, 2014 Chinese Government Scholarship PhD Students Seminar was successfully held at HUST. Officers from Chinese Scholarship Council(CSC) andaround 70 representatives from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan University, Huazhong Normal University, Wuhan University of Technology, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Huazhong Agricultural University and China University of Geosciences(Wuhan) attended the seminar.

The seminar was started with a welcome speech given by Mr. WANG Shenggang, Deputy Secretary-General of China Scholarship Council Outstanding. Mr. WANG said, “This seminar aims at providing a platform for all Chinese Government Scholarship students to share experience about studying in China, and exchange suggestions with CSC and universities staff, so that we could improve the quality of international education service for more and more overseas students.” At the end of his speech, Mr. WANG also made a good wish to all international students for enjoying their study and life here and also realizing their dreams in China.

Opening Address made by Mr. WANG Shenggang, Deputy Secretary-General of China Scholarship Council

After that, seven outstanding student representatives from different universities seized this chance to share their overseas study experience. Especially, DANARSON JULES HARRIS, one of the representatives of HUST gave a summarized presentation, expressing his happiness of studying at China and gratefulness to all CSC officers and teachers in every university. 

Presentation given byDANARSON JULES HARRIS,sudent representativefrom HUST

As the host of this seminar, HUST is one of the National Demonstration Bases for International Education. And according to the statistics in 2013, the total number of international students of HUST ranked Top 5 in all Chinese universities, and 827 master and doctoral students studied at HUST with the support from Chinese Government Scholarship, ranking Top 1 in China.



       王胜刚副秘书长代表国家留学基金管理委员会对学生们的到来表示欢迎。他表示国家留学基金委一直非常关心奖学金生。组织这次活动,就是希望了解同学们的学习和生活情    况,倾听同学们的意见和建议,以便为大家提供更全面的服务和保障,同时为大家搭建一个相互交流的平台。“希望同学们学业有成、广交朋友、增进对中国人民和中国文化的了解,希望这段在华留学的经历成为每个人一生中最美好的回忆。”


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