Notice Regarding the Registration of New International Students and 2021 Summer Vacation
Editor: Date:July 16, 2021 Hits:

Dear international students,

The summer vacation of 2021 is from July 9 to September 6. In order to strengthen the management and service of all international students including new international students who will register for the autumn semester of 2021, we hereby inform you of the arrangement of summer vacation and the registration for new international students of 2021 as follows:

#1 Service for students currently in mainland China

· Working hours

        8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. , 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.

        July 13 - August 25, 2021 (Monday-Friday)

·  Location

The Administrative Service Center, Window No.1

·  Service

a. Tuition and accommodation fee payment

To pay for tuition and accommodation fee, please first obtain the payment slip and the school account number at Administrative Service Center. Make the payment by cash or card at local banks and keep the receipt. Students can apply for the extension of the residence permit after the full payment of tuition and accommodation fee (Please mark your name and passport number when making the transaction).

b. Application for residence permit

After completing the online registration, please bring the required documents to Administrative Service Center, Window No.1 and obtain the stamped proof letter and registration form of temporary residence for foreigners and go to Wuhan Exit-Entry Administration Bureau .

c. Accommodation

  1. To check out during the summer vacation, students should apply to the dormitory office and wait for the approval of the property management center. No need to visit the International Student Office.

  2. To go out of campus, students must report to their supervisors and register at dormitory office for approval. Don't go out unless you have to.

  3. Application for changing rooms/dormitories will not be processed during summer vacation.

  4. To pay for the accommodation fee, please make the payment at the dormitory office.

#2 Registration procedure for new students

        · Online information confirmation

    1. Student category: all new international students

    2. Platform: Online Application and Service System for International Students

    3. Website address:

    4. Account and password: set up your account and password on the website)

    5. Guidance for online information confirmation: Please download the guidance from the homepage of Online Application and Service System for International Students after August 15.

    6. Time: August 15 - August 30, 2021

    · On-campus registration for 2021 fall semester

    1. Student category: New international students currently in mainland China

    2. Location: HUST Welcome Center, please refer to

    3. Time: August 25 - September 1, 2021

    4. Required documents: HUST admission letter, JW201/202 Form, Passport with valid visa page, four 2-inch photos with blue background

    5. Guidance for registration: Please download the registration from the homepage of Online Application and Service System for International Students after August 15.

    · Online registration for 2021 fall semester

    1. Student category: All new international students

    2. Platform: Online Application and Service System for International Students

    3. Website address:

    4. Account and password: set up the account and password on the website. Please complete the online information confirmation before the registration.

    5. Guidance for registration: Complete the online information confirmation and then download the guidance from the homepage of Online Application and Service System for International Students

    6. Time: September 3 - September 19, 2021

#3 Other points for attention:

  1. Students who have graduated should complete the dormitory check-out and deregistration and leave the school before July 31, 2021

  2. For students who live off campus and would like to enter the school during summer vacation, please submit the application one day before your entrance. For per application, students can apply for the access to campus for maximum 3 consecutive days. Students should enter the school with the student ID card .

  3. Collection of graduation certificate and diploma is not available during summer vacation. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Zheng at

  4. For students who will continue to study or work in mainland China, please contact the receiving school or company for the application of residence certificate.

  5. For those who are currently outside of mainland China, please do not intend to return to campus and there is no need to apply for the extension of residence permit for the time being.

  6. Only the application for student visa/residence permit is accepted.

  7. For new students who come to university in advance before August 25, please visit the Administrative Center with the following documents to pay for the tuition and accommodation fee, apply for the residence permit, and complete the check-in of the dormitory.

  • HUST Admission Letter

  • JW201/202 Form

  • Passport with valid visa page





Contact phone: 87541868-8001

Happy summer vacation

International Students Office

School of International Education





#1 在籍中国境内国际学生服务相关事宜

· 工作时间


    上午8:30-1100, 下午15:00-17:00

· 办理地点


· 办理事项

a. 学费和住宿费缴纳


b. 居留许可申请


c. 公寓安排

  1. 暑假学生退房直接在公寓登记,物业部门核实后方可退房,无需到ISO办理手续。

  2. 学生外出,必须报告学院老师,同时在公寓值班室进行登记。非必要不外出。

  3. 暑假期间不办理换房业务。

  4. 如需缴纳住宿费,请直接在所住公寓值班室进行核算、缴纳。

#2 2021年秋季录取新生报到相关流程

    · 线上确认信息

    1. 针对对象:所有国际学生新生;

    2. 系统:“国际学生在线申请与服务系统”;

    3. 网址;

    4. 账户密码:申请账户和密码;

    5. 操作指南:系统815日开放后主页下载;

    6. 系统开放时间:2021815日~30日。

    · 线下报到

    1. 针对对象:仅中国境内国际学生新生;

    2. 地点:国际中心大厅,请参考 ;

    3. 报到时间:2021825日~91日,上午8:30-1100, 下午15:00-17:00

    4. 所需材料:录取通知书 、JW201/202签证申请表、护照和有效签证页,以上材料均须原件;蓝色2寸登记照4张。

    5. 操作指南:系统815日开放后主页下载。

    · 2021年秋季学期线上注册

    1. 针对对象:所有国际学生新生;

    2. 系统:“学生注册及基本信息管理信息系统”;

    3. 网址;

    4. 账户密码:完成线上信息确认,在“国际学生在线申请与服务系统”获取;

    5. 操作指南:完成线上信息确认,在“国际学生在线申请与服务系统”下载;

    6. 系统开放时间:202193日~19日。

    #3 其他注意事项

  1. 国际学生毕业、结业的,应当在2021731日前办理退房、离校手续并离校。

  2. 假期进出校园,需提前一天提交申请。一次可申请 1-3 天进出校园,申请批准后方可刷校园卡进出校园。

  3. 暑期期间不领取毕业证书和学位证书,如有问题请联系郑老师,

  4. 国际学生被中国境内其他单位接收继续学习或工作,应由接收单位按规定办理居留证件。

  5. 中国大陆境外国际学生暂不返校,无需申请居留许可延长。

  6. 仅受理中国大陆境内学习类签证/居留许可申请,其他类型签证一律不受理。

  7. 提前来校的2021年秋季录取新生,可携带录取通知书 、JW201/202签证申请表、护照和有效签证页到师生服务中心1号窗口缴纳学费和住宿费,申请居留许可函件和办理国际学生宿舍入住。











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