Notice regarding Online Education for International Students during NCP Prevention
Editor: Date:February 16, 2020 Hits:

To all international students:

To guarantee education quality of international students during NCP prevention control of 2020 spring semester, all departments will follow the principle of Continued Online Teaching and Learning during such crucial prevention control period. Departments will make comprehensive arrangements and are fully in charge of academic teaching and learning. School of International Education assists in notifying and keeping in contact with international students and managing other administrative work.

1.  International postgraduates will need to follow the teaching guidelines from your own supervisor via Wechat, email, or QQ messages. Reading assignments and other academic tasks can be supervised online.

2.  International programs for undergraduates (English-medium) will make personalized teaching plan and conduct online teaching;

International programs for undergraduates (Chinese-medium) share the same teaching plan and academic schedule with Chinese counterparts; Due to time difference and lack of online access, part of international students who are already back to home country can continue online learning by using Wechat, email, or QQ messages, and learn by MOC lessons, assignments and self-learning. You are suggested to keep contact with your teachers and department staff for supervision.

3.  The course Survey of China will not be conducted online and will be delayed after the new semester officially begins. This course will be taught on-campus face-to-face intensively after this prevention control completed.

All departments will officially start online teaching from February 17, 2020, and School of International Education assists in guiding international students on- and off-campus, in China or abroad to stay connected.





1. 国际研究生的教学由导师做好远程开课。导师可通过微信、QQ, email, 布置文献阅读,布置作业等方式与研究生保持学术和学习的沟通。

2. 国际本科学生单独编班学习的院系自行制定教学方案。汉语


3. 全校国际学生的《中国概况》课程暂时不开设网络教学。等学校通知开学返校后,由教授集体集中面授该课程。


华中科技大学研究生院 教务处 国际教育学院


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