Honours and Awards
[1] 1. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Christian Coddet. Rapid in situ fabrication of Fe/SiC bulk nano- composites by selective laser melting directly from a mixed powder of microsized Fe and SiC. Scripta Materialia, 2014, 75, 90-93.
2. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Pierre Coddet, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Fabrication and microstructure characterization of selective laser‐melted FeAl intermetallic parts. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2012, 206(22), 4704-4709.
3. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Microstructure and wear resistance of FeAl/Al2O3 intermetallic composite coating prepared by atmospheric plasma spraying. Surface and Coatings Technology, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2014.06.055.
4. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Pierre Coddet, Genshu Zhou, Sheng Ouyang, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Microstructure and tensile behavior of hybrid nano-micro SiC reinforced iron matrix composites produced by selective laser melting. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 579, 415-421.
5. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Pierre Coddet, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Fabrication of NiCr alloy parts by selective laser melting: Columnar microstructure and anisotropic mechanical behavior. Materials & Design, 2014, 53, 1-7.
6. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Suppression effect of decarburization by dry-ice blasting on plasma-sprayed steel coatings: structure, wear performance and magnetic properties. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2014, 253, 44-51.
7. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Effects of processing parameters on microstructure and mechanical property of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V. Materials & Design, 2012, 35, 120-125.
8. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Qi Liu, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Vacuum heat treatment of iron parts produced by selective laser melting: Microstructure, residual stress and tensile behavior. Materials & Design, 2014, 54, 727-733.
9. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Sihao Deng, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Microstructure and tensile properties of iron parts fabricated by selective laser melting. Optics & laser technology, 2014, 56, 451-460.
10. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Process parameter selection for selective laser melting of Ti6Al4V based on temperature distribution simulation and experimental sintering. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2012, 61, 967-974.
11. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Manufacture of Fe-Al cube part with a sandwich structure by selective laser melting directly from mechanical mixed Fe and Al powders. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2013, 69, 1323-1330.
12. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Morphology evolution mechanism of single tracks of FeAl intermetallics in selective laser melting. Materials Research Innovations, 2012, 16(5), 321-325.
13. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Characterizations of TiC particle reinforced FeAl composite part fabricated by selective laser melting. Materials Research Innovations, 2014, 18, 50-56.
14. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Pierre Coddet, Bernard Hansz, Thierry Grosdidier, Hanlin Liao, and Christian Coddet. Oxidation Control of Atmospheric Plasma Sprayed FeAl Intermetallic Coatings Using Dry-Ice Blasting. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2013, 22(2-3), 345-351.
15. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Effect of Dry-Ice Blasting on Structure and Magnetic Properties of Plasma-Sprayed Fe-40Al Coating from Nanostructured Powders. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2014, 23, 227-235.
16. Bo Song, Shujuan Dong, Nour-Eddine Fenineche, Eric Aubry, Thierry Grosdidier, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Microstructure and magnetic properties of atmospheric plasma sprayed Fe-40Al coating obtained from nanostructured powders. Applied Physics A, 2013, 113, 787-792.
17. Shujuan Dong, Bo Song*, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Dielectric properties of Al2O3 coatings deposited via atmospheric plasma spraying and dry-ice blasting correlated with microstructural characteristics. Applied Physics A, DOI 10.1007/s00339-014-8677-8.
18. Qi Liu, Bo Song, Hanlin Liao. Microstructure study on selective laser melting yttria stabilized zirconia ceramic with near IR fiber laser. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2014, 20 (15).
19. Shujuan Dong, Bo Song*, Xiaofeng Zhang, Chunming Deng, Nouredine Fenineche, Bernard Hansz, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Fabrication of FeSiB magnetic coatings with improved saturation magnetization by plasma spray and dry-ice blasting. Journal of Alloys and Compound, 2014, 584, 254-260.
20. Shujuan Dong, Bo Song*, Bernard Hansz, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Study on the Mechanism of Adhesion Improvement Using Dry-Ice Blasting for Plasma-Sprayed Al2O3 Coatings. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2013, 22(2-3), 213-220.
21. Shujuan Dong, Bo Song, Bernard Hansz, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Combination Effect of Dry-Ice Blasting and Substrate Preheating on Plasma-Sprayed CoNiCrAlY Splats. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2013, 22(1), 61-68.
22. Shujuan Dong, Bo Song*, Genshu Zhou, Changjiu Li, Bernard Hansz, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Preparation of aluminum coatings by atmospheric plasma spraying and dry-ice blasting and their corrosion behavior. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 2013, 22(7), 1222-1229.
23. Shujuan Dong, Bo Song, Bernard Hansz, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Improvement in the microstructure and property of plasma sprayed metallic, alloy and ceramic coatings by pre-/during-treatment of dry-ice blasting. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, (220) 199-203.
24. Shujuan Dong, Bo Song*, Bernard Hansz, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Deposition of NiCrBSi coatings by atmospheric plasma spraying and dry-ice blasting: microstructure and wear resistance. Surface and Coatings Technology, DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2014.09.025.
25. Shujuan Dong, Bo Song*, Bernard Hansz, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Microstructure and properties of Cr2O3 coating deposited by plasma spraying and dry-ice blasting. Surface and Coatings Technology. 2013, 225, 58-65.
26. Shujuan Dong, Bo Song*, Genshu Zhou, Bernard Hansz, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Multi-layered thermal barrier coatings fabricated by plasma-spraying and dry-ice blasting: Microstructure characterization and prolonged lifetime. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2013, 236, 557-567.
27. Shujuan Dong, Bo Song, Bernard Hansz, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Improvement of adhesion of plasma-sprayed Al2O3 coatings by using dry-ice blasting. Materials Letters, 2012, 66(1), 289-291.
28. Shujuan Dong, Bo Song, Bernard Hansz, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Modelling of dry ice blasting and its application in thermal spray. Materials Research Innovations, 2012, 16(1), 61-66.
29. Shujuan Dong, Bo Song, Bernard Hansz, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Improvement in the properties of plasma-sprayed metallic, alloy and ceramic coatings using dry-ice blasting. Applied Surface Science, 2011, 257(24), 10828-10833.
30. Shujuan Dong, Bo Song*, Bernard Hansz, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Effect of Dry-ice Blasting on the Microstructure and Properties of Plasma-sprayed CoNiCrAlY Coating. Materials Science Forum, 2013, (750), 268-275.
31. Shujuan Dong, Bo Song*, Hanlin Liao, Christian Coddet. Effect of dry-ice blasting on the deposition behavior of molybdenum particles onto aluminum and stainless steel substrate in plasma spraying process: From single splat to coating. Surface and Coatings Technology, DOI 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2014.09.072.