Honours and Awards
[1] [1]Li, Wei, Liu, Jie, Wen, Shifeng, Wei, Qingsong*, Yan, Chunze* (corresponding author), Shi, Yusheng. Crystal orientation, crystallographic texture and phase evolution in the Ti–45Al–2Cr–5Nb alloy processed by selective laser melting. Materials Characterization, 2016, 113: 125-133.
[2]Li, W., Liu, Jie, Zhou, Yan, Wen, Shifeng, Wei, Qingsong, Yan, Chunze* (corresponding author), Shi, Yusheng. Effect of substrate preheating on the texture, phase and nanohardness of a Ti–45Al–2Cr–5Nb alloy processed by selective laser melting. Scripta Materialia, 2016, 118: 13-18.
[3]Chunze Yan, Liang Hao, Ahmed Hussein, Philippe Young, Juntong Huang, Wei Zhu. Microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminium alloy cellular lattice structures manufactured by direct metal laser sintering. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2015, 628: 238-246.
[4]Chunze Yan*(corresponding author), Liang Hao, Ahmed Hussein, Philippe Young. Ti-6Al-4V triply periodic minimal surface structures for bone implants fabricated via selective laser melting. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2015, 51C: 61-73.
[5]Zhuxian Yang, Chunze Yan, Jinhui Liu, Sakineh Chabi, Yongde Xia, Yanqiu Zhu. Designing 3D graphene networks via 3D-printed Ni template. RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 29397-29400.
[6]S. Zhang, D-W. Yushu, B-X. Liu, B. Sun, C-Z. Yan, L. Hao, Q-S. Wei and Y-S. Shi. Effect of Firing Temperature on the Metal to Ceramic Bond Strength of a Porcelain Fused to Metal Restoration of a Co-Cr Alloy by Means of Selective Laser Melting (SLM). Lasers in Engineering, 2015, 31(3-4): 195-209.
[7]Wei Zhu, Chunze Yan*(corresponding author), Yunsong Shi, Shifeng Wen, Jie Liu, Yusheng Shi. Investigation into mechanical and microstructural properties of Polypropylene manufactured by selective laser sintering in comparison with injection molding counterparts. Materials & Design, 2015, 82C: 37-45. DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2015.05.043.
[8]Shifeng Wen, Qiwen Shen, Qingsong Wei, Chunze Yan*(corresponding author), Yusheng Shi. Material optimization and post-processing of sand moulds manufactured by the selective laser sintering of a phenolic resin coated Al2O3 powder. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 225C: 93-102.
[9]Wei Zhu, Chunze Yan*(corresponding author), Yunsong Shi, Shifeng Wen, Changjun Han, Chao Cai, Jie Liu, Yusheng Shi. Study on the selective laser sintering of a low-isotacticity polypropylene powder. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2016, 22(4)
[10]Ahmed Y. Hussein, Liang Hao, Chunze Yan. Ti6Al4V Graded Cellular Lattice Structures fabricated by direct metal laser sintering for Support Structures. Materials & Design, 2015 (Major revision)
[11]Shifeng Wen, Shuai Li, Qingsong Wei, Chunze Yan* (corresponding author), Sheng Zhang, Yusheng, Shi. Effect of molten pool boundaries on the mechanical properties of selective laser melting parts. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2014, 214(11): 2660-2667.
[12]S.F. Wen, Chunze Yan* (corresponding author), Q.S. Wei, L.C. Zhang, X. Zhao, W. Zhu, Y.S Shi. Investigation and development of large-scale equipment and high performance materials for powder bed laser fusion additive manufacturing. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 2014, 9(4): 213-223.
[13]Chunze Yan, Liang Hao, Ahmed Hussein, Philippe Young, David Raymont. Manufacturability and properties of 316L stainless steel cellular lattice structures fabricated via selective laser melting. Materials & Design, 2014, 55: 533-541.
[14]Chunze Yan, Liang Hao, Ahmed Hussein, Simon Bubb, Philippe Young, David Raymont. Evaluation of light-weight AlSi10Mg periodic cellular lattice structures fabricated via direct metal laser sintering. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2014, 214: 856-864.
[15]Fang Xu, Chunze Yan, Yat-Tarng Shyng, Hong Chang, Yongde Xia, Yanqiu Zhu. Ultra-toughened nylon 12 nanocomposites reinforced with IF-WS2, Nanotechnology, 2014, 25(32): 325701.
[16]Xue, P., Yan Wu, Jun Huang, Qingsong Wei, Yusheng Shi, Chunze Yan. Near net shape forming process of a titanium alloy part using hot isostatic pressing with graphite mould. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 599-601: 81-87.
[17]Ahmed Y. Hussein, Liang Hao, Chunze Yan, Richard Everson. Experimental and simulation study of single layer deformation in selective laser melting process. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2013, 7: 1019-1026.
[18]Ahmed Hussein, Liang Hao, Chunze Yan, Richard Everson. Finite element simulation of the temperature and stress fields in single layers built without-support in selective laser melting. Materials & Design, 2013, 52: 638–647.
[19]Chunze Yan, Liang Hao, Ahmed Hussein, David Raymont. Evaluations of cellular lattice structures manufactured using selective laser melting, International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 2012, 62: 32-38.
[20]Yan, C., Hao, L., Xu, L., Shi, Y., Preparation, characterisation and processing of carbon fibre/polyamide-12 composites for selective laser sintering, Composites Science and Technology, 2011, 71(16): 1834-1841.
[21]Chunze Yan, Yusheng Shi, Liang Hao. Investigation into the differences in the selective laser sintering between amorphous and semi-crystalline polymers. International Polymer Processing, 2011, 4: 416-423.
[22]Chunze Yan, Yusheng Shi, Jingsong Yang, Jinhui Liu. An organically modified montmorillonites/nylon-12 composite powder for selective laser sintering. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2011, 17(1): 28-36.
[23]Chunze Yan, Yusheng Shi, Jingsong Yang, Jinhui Liu. Multiphase polymeric materials for rapid prototyping & tooling technologies and their applications. Composite Interfaces, 2010, 17(2-3): 257-271.
[24]Chunze Yan, Yusheng Shi, Jingsong Yang, Jinhui Liu. Investigation into the selective laser sintering of styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer and post processing. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2010, 51(9-12): 973-982.
[25]Liu Jie, Biao Zhang, Chunze Yan. The effect of processing parameters on characteristics of selective laser sintering dental glass-ceramic powder. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2010, 16(2): 138-145.
[26]Jingsong Yang, Yusheng Shi, Chunze Yan, Longcheng Wang, Shuhuai Huang. Selective Laser Sintering of Nylon-12/PTW Composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010, 117(4): 2196-2204.
[27]Chunze Yan, Yusheng Shi, Jingsong Yang, Jinhui Liu. A Nanosilica/Nylon-12 Composite Powder for Selective Laser Sintering. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2009, 28(23): 2889-2902.
[28]C. Z. Yan, Y. S. Shi, J. S. Yang, L. Xu. Preparation and selective laser sintering of nylon-12 coated aluminum powders. Journal of composite materials, 2009, 43(17): 1835-1851.
[29]Chunze Yan, Yusheng Shi, Jingsong Yang, Jinhui Liu. Preparation and selective laser sintering of nylon-12 coated carbon steel powder. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2009, 15(5): 355-360.
[30]Chunze Yan, Yusheng Shi, Jingsong Yang, Jinhui Liu. Preparation and Selective laser sintering of nylon-12 coated metal powders and post processing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2009, 209(17): 5785-5792.
[31]Jingsong Yang, Yusheng Shi, Qiwen Shen, Chunze Yan. Selective laser sintering of HIPS and investment casting technology, Journal of Material Processing Technology. 2009, 209(3): 1901-1908.
[32]Lu Zhongliang, Liu Jinhui, Shi Yusheng, Yan Chunze. Characteristics of complicated AISI316L automobile components manufactured by powder/metallurgy. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2009, 23(7): 1924-1931.