Honours and Awards
[1] Youjun Liu, Hailin Zhang, Li He,Cooperative Car-Following Model of Traffic Flow and Numerical Simulation,Chinese Physics Letters,2012,[1] Masukura S, Nagatani T and Tanaka K 2009 J. Stat. Mech.
2009 04002
[2] Hanaura H, Masukura S and Nagatani T 2009 Physica A
388 1196
[3] Lv W, Song W G and Fang Z M 2011 Physica A 390 2303
[4] Tang T Q, Huang H J and Gao Z Y 2005 Phys. Rev. E 72
[5] Treiber M, Hennecke A and Helbing D 2000 Phys. Rev. E
62 1805
[6] Chowdhury D, Santen L and Schadschneider A 2000 Phys.
Rep. 329 199
[7] Helbing D 2001 Rev. Mod. Phys. 73 1067
[8] Zhang L D, Jia L and Zhu W X 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61
074501 (in Chinese)
[9] Bando M, Hasebe K, Nakayama A, Shibata A and Sugiyama
Y 1995 Phys. Rev. E 51 1035
[10] Helbing D and Tilch B 1998 Phys. Rev. E 58 133
[11] Kesting A, Treiber M and Helbing D 2010 Philos. Trans.
R. Soc. A 368 4585
[12] Peng G H, Cai X H, Liu C Q, Cao B F and Tuo M X 2011
Phys. Lett. A 375 3973
[13] Jiang R, Wu Q S and Zhu Z J 2001 Phys. Rev. E 64 017101
[14] Tian J F, Jia B and Li X G 2011 Commun. Theor. Phys.
55 1119
[15] Zhao X M and Gao Z Y 2005 Eur. Phys. J. B 47 145
[16] Peng G H and Sun D H 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 5420
[17] Sun D H, Liao X Y and Peng G H 2011 Physica A 390 631
[18] Li C Y, Tang T Q, Huang H J and Shang H Y 2011 Chin.
Phys. Lett. 28 038902
[19] Ge H X, Yu J and Lo S M 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 050502
[20] Zhao M, Sun D H and Tian C 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 048901
[21] Ge H X, Cheng R J and Li Z P 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60
080508 (in Chinese)
[22] Gunay B 2007 Transp. Res. Part B: Methodol. 41 722
[2] Youjun Liu, Cong Tian,The characteristics analysis of urban traffic congestion based on different morphology of road network,China Journal of Highway and Transport,2013,[1] Carlos F. Daganzo. The cell transmission model: A dynamic representation of highway traffic consistent with the hydrodynamic theory [J]. Transp. Res.B, 1994, 28B(4): 269-287.
[2] Carlos F. Daganzo. The cell transmission model, partⅡ: Network traffic [J]. Transp. Res.B, 1995, 29B(2): 79-93.
[3] Antony Stathopoulos, Matthew G. Karlaftis. Modeling Duration of Urban Traffic Congestion [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2002, 128(6): 587-590.
[4] Wu Jian-jun, Gao Zi-you, Sun Hui-jun. Model for dynamic traffic congestion in scale-free networks [J]. Europhysics Letters, 2006, 76(5): 787-793.
[5] Wu Jian-jun, Sun Hui-jun, Gao Zi-you. Cascading failures on weighted urban traffic equilibrium networks [J]. Physic A, 2007, 386: 407-413.
[6] Zheng Jian-feng, Gao Zi-you, Zhao Xiao-mei. Modeling cascading failures in congested complex networks [J]. Physic A, 2007, 385: 700-706.
[7] XIE Chen, ZHANG Xiao-dong. Analysis on Cause and Propagation of Urban Traffic Congestion [C]. 2007 The 3th China Intelligent Transport Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2007, 825-828.
[8] Long Jian-cheng, Gao Zi-you, Ren Hua-ling, et al. Urban traffic congestion propagation and bottleneck identification [J]. Science in China Series F-Information Sciences, 2008,51(7): 948-964.
[9] MA Dan. Effects of Network Structure on the Performance of Urban Traffic Flow [D]. Beijing: Beijing Jiaotong University, 2010.
[10]WANG Wei, GUO Xiu-cheng. Traffic Engineering [M]. Nanjing: Southeast University Press, 2000, 152-166.
[11] LONG Jian-cheng. Studies on Congestion Propagation Properties and Dissipation Control Strategies of Urban Road Traffic [D]. Beijing: Beijing Jiaotong University, 2009.
[3] Youjun Liu, Hailin Zhang, Li He,Cooperative Car-Following Model and Simulation Based on the Feedback Control of Security Distance,Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development,2012,[1] ZHANG Zhiyong, RONG Jian, REN Futian. Review of Car-following Model Research[J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2004, 21(8): 108-113.
[2] WANG Xingju, GAO Guifeng, CHEN Jinjie, et al. Traffic Flow Simulation Model Based on Desired Speed[J]. Journal of Chang//an University( Natural Science Edition), 2010, 30(5): 79-84.
[3] JIA Hongfei, TANG Ming, LI Li. A Car-Following Model Based on Drivers’ Cognition Behavior[J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2008, 25(2): 123-126.
[4] TREIBER M, HENNECKE A, HELBING D. Congested Traffic States in Empirical Observations and Microscopic Simulations[J]. Physical Review E, 2000, 62(2): 1805-1824.
[5] BANDO M, HASEBE K, NAKAYAMA A, et al. Dynamical Model of Traffic Congestion and Numerical Simulation[J]. Physical Review E, 1995, 51(2): 1035-1042.
[6] HELBING D, TILCH B. Generalized Force Model of Traffic Dynamics[J]. Physical Review E, 1998, 58(1): 133-138.
[7] JIANG R, WU Q, ZHU Z. Full Velocity Difference Model for a Car-Following Theory[J]. Physical Review E, 2001, 64(1 Pt 2): 17101-17104.
[8] ZHAO X, GAO Z. A New Car-Following Model: Full Velocity and Acceleration Difference Model[J]. The European Physical Journal B, 2005, 47(1): 145-150.
[9] WANG Tao, GAO Ziyou, ZHAO Xiaomei. Multiple Velocity Difference Model and Its Stability Analysis[J]. Acta Physica Sinica, 2006, 55(2): 634-640.
[10] PENG Guanghan. Stabilization Analyzing of Multiple Look-ahead Car-Following Model[J]. Systems Engineering - Theory & Practice, 2011, 31(3): 569-576.
[11] TIAN J, JIA B, LI X. A New Car Following Model: Comprehensive Optimal Velocity Model[J]. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2011, 55(6): 1119-1126.
[12] LI C, TANG T, HUANG H, et al. A New Car-Following Model with Consideration of Driving Resistance[J]. Chinese Physics Letters, 2011, 28(3): 38902-38905.
[13] XU Lunhui, LUO Qiang, WU Jianwei, et al. Study of Car-Following Model Based on Minimum Safety Distance[J]. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2010, 27(10): 95-100, 106.
[14] ZHANG Haoran, REN Gang, WANG Wei. Car-Following Model Based on Correlation Analysis and Safe Headway[J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2007, 7(1): 73-75, 80.
[15] TAO Pengfei, JIN Sheng, WANG Dianhai. Car-Following Model Based on Artificial Potential Field[J]. Journal of Southeast University ( Natural Science Edition), 2011, 41(4): 854-858.
[4] Youjun Liu, Cong Tian,Improved Two-lane Traffic Flow Lattice Model and Perturbation Analysis,Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development,2011,[1] NAGANTANI T. TDGL and MKDV Equations for Jamming Transition in the Lattice Models of Traffic [J].Physica A,1999,264: 581 - 592.
[2] NAGANTANI T. Jamming Transitions and the Modified Korteweg-de Vries Equation in a Two-lane Traffic Flow [J]. Physica A,1999,265: 297 - 310.
[3] PENG Guanghan. A Coupling Lattice Model of Traffic on Two Lanes and Numerical Simulation [J]. Acta Physica Sinica,2010,55 ( 6) : 3824 - 3830.
[4] ZHU Huibing. Lattice Models of Traffic Flow Considering Drivers// Delay in Response [J]. Chinese Physics B,2009,18 ( 4) : 1322 - 1327.
[5] TANG Tiqiao,HUANG Haijun,XUE Yu. An Improved Two - lane Traffic Flow Lattice Model [J]. Acta Physica Sinica,2006,55 ( 8) : 4026 - 4030.
[6] TANG Tieqiao,HUANG Haijun,WONG S C,et al. Macroscopic Modeling of Lane-changing for Two-lane Traffic Flow [J]. Journal of Advanced Transportation,
2009,43 ( 3) : 245 - 273.
[7] WANG Dianhai. Traffic Flow Theory [M]. Beijing: China Communications Press,2002: 60 - 68.
[8] WANG Wei,GUO Xiucheng. Traffic Engineering [M].Nanjing: Southeast University Press,2000: 125 - 150.
[9] HERRMANN M,KERNER B S. Local Cluster Effect in Different Traffic Flow Models [J]. Physica A,1998,255: 163 - 188.
[10] KERNER B S,KONHAUSER P. Cluster Effect in Initially Homogeneous Traffic Flow [J]. Physical Review E,1993,48 ( 4) : 2335 - 2338.
[5] Youjun Liu, Xiao Jing, Qianwen Guo,Rational scale of urban rail transit network based on system dynamics,Journal of Chongqing University (English Edition),2011,[1] Bollinger CR, Ihlanfeldt KR. The impact of rapid rail transit on economic development: the case of Atlanta’s MARTA [J]. Journal of Urban Economics [ISSN 0094- 1190], 1997, 42(2): 179-204.
[2] Zhu YQ, Chen YH, Wu HB. Influential factors analysis and model of network scale of urban rail transit [J]. Traffic and Computer [ISSN 1000-8837], 2007, 25(2): 43-46. (In Chinese).
[3] Yang JS, Zhang DY. Estimate rational size of URT route network based on attraction scope gained through geometric analysis method [J]. Railway Transport and Economy [ISSN 1003-1421], 2008, 30(1): 67-70. (In Chinese). [4] Jin J, Zhang DY, Guo ZZ. Demand mechanism model analysis of rational scale of urban rail transit network [J]. Journal of the China Railway Society [ISSN 1001- 8360], 2006, 28(5): 16-20. (In Chinese).
[5] Ma CQ, Wang YP. Estimate rational scale of urban rail transit network based on connectivity between passenger distributing centers [J]. Railway Transport and Economy [ISSN 1003-1421], 2009, 31(4): 73-76. (In Chinese).
[6] An XW, Du DH, Ma CQ, et al. Computation model of network scale for urban rail transit based on traffic demand overflow [J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering [ISSN 1671-1637], 2008, 8(3): 82-85. (In Chinese). [7] Mao BH, Jiang F, Liu Q. Urban rail transit [M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2002: 79-84. (In Chinese).
[8] Forrester JW. Urban dynamics [M]. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1969: 1-20.
[9] Jia RA, Ding RH. System dynamicsanalysis of feedback dynamic complexity [M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press, 2002: 1-35. (In Chinese).
[10] Shen LY, Wu YZ, Chan EHW. Application of system dynamics for assessment of sustainable performance of construction projects [J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science [ISSN 1673-565X], 2005, 6A(4): 339-349.
[11] Zhang XL, Lin MD, Zhang H. Research on urban rail transit economy [M]. Beijing: China Economic Publishing House, 2010: 2-11. (In Chinese).
[12] Love PED, Holt GD, Shen LY, et al. Using systems dynamics to better understand change and rework in construction project management systems [J]. International Journal of Project Management [ISSN 0263-7863], 2002, 20(6): 425-436.
[13] Chritamara S, Ogunlana SO, Bach NL. System dynamics modeling of design and build construction projects [J]. Construction Innovation [ISSN 1480-5642], 2002, 2: 269-295.
[14] Loo BPY, Chen C, Chan ETH. Rail-based transitoriented development: lessons from New York City and Hong Kong [J]. Landscape and Urban Planning [ISSN 0169-2046], 2010, 97: 202-212.
[15] Wikipedia. Shanghai Metro [EB/OL]. 2011-2-1 [cited 2011-2-20] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%B8%8A %E6%B5%B7%E8%BD%A8%E9%81%93%E4%BA %A4%E9%80%9A.
[16] Statistic Bureau of Shanghai. Shanghai statistical yearbook 1995-2010 [M]. Beijing: China Statistical Press, 2011. (In Chinese).
[17] Wuhan Traffic Planning Network. Urban rail transit construction planning in Wuhan [EB/OL]. 2004-12-17 [cited 2010-12-20].
[18] Statistic Bureau of Wuhan. Wuhan statistical yearbook 1999-2009 [M]. Beijing: China Statistical Press, 2010. (In Chinese).
[19] Kai L, Tiong RLK. Financing and operating of Singapore’s urban rail transit infrastructure [C]. In: WICOM 2008 4th World Congress, Dalian, China, October 12-14, 2008. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2008: 102-104.
[20] Dong JJ, Ren R, Cheng H. Research on integrated management of urban rail transit network construction [C]. In: 2008 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management, University of Toronto, Ontario, October 4-5, 2008. [S.l]: [s.n.], 2008: 1483- 1488.
[21] Public traffic Management Office of Wuhan; Wuhan Transportation Research Institute. The short-term optimization program of public traffic network in Wuhan [R]. Wuhan: Public traffic Management Office of Wuhan, 2009. (In Chinese).
[22] Duff-Riddell WR, Sourcer CJ. Network modeling approach to transit network design [J]. Journal of Urban Planning and Development [ISSN 0733-9488], 2008, 131(2): 87-97.