Name: Xue Yu
Professor in School of Life Science and Technology
Phone: 86-27-87793903
Email: xueyu@hust.edu.cn
Academic Areas: Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research Interest
Dr. Xue has published extensively on computational studies of post-translational modifications (PTMs), including developing novel GPS (Group-based Prediction System) series algorithms, studying several new PTMs (eg., epigenetic modifications), constructing easy-to-use softwares and databases, and proteome-wide analysis of PTMs substrates, etc. His group is currently combining systems biology, bioinformatics, and molecular & cellular biology approaches to study genetic variations that potentially influence protein modification status. The full publication list can be available at: http://www.biocuckoo.org/pub.php.
Dr. Xue is an academic Editor of PLoS ONE, and an associate Editor of BMC Genomics. He is also an active blogger for ScienceNet (In Chinese, http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/DaCaiNiao). He is quite active on pushing the communication and collaboration of young bioinformatists in China.
Doctor--Cell Biology--University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei--2006
Oversea Study and Visit
Academic Memberships
Honours and Awards
Honours and Awards