Name: Chen He

Professor in College of Public Administration

Phone: 86-27-87559343


Academic Areas: Department of Urban Management

Research Interest

Administrative Law Clean Government and Anti-corruption Public Economics and Finance


Doctor--World Economics--Wuhan University, Wuhan, China--2001

Master--World Economics--Wuhan University, Wuhan, China--1998

Bachelor--World Economics--Wuhan University, Wuhan, China--1995

Oversea Study and Visit

Post Doctoral,University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA), USA,USA,2007-07-01-2008-07-01

Academic Memberships

Honours and Awards

Outstanding Graduate Student,Wuhan University,2001

First Prize in Younger Teacher’s Teaching Competetion ,Huazhong University of Science&Technology,2003

First Prize in Younger Teacher’s Teaching Competetion ,Hubei Province,2012

“5·1” labor medalists,Hubei Province,2012

Honours and Awards