Name: Kong Xiangquan
Professor in Wuhan Union Hospital
Phone: 86-27-+86-27-13707158198
Email: kxq0525@126.com
Academic Areas: Department of Radiology
Research Interest
Diagnostic radiology, Thoracic radiology,Neural imaging, Magnetic resonance imaging
Bachelor--Clinical medicine--Tongji Medical University,Wuhan,China--1979
Oversea Study and Visit
Oversea Training,Krolinska Hospitai,Sweden,1992-09-01-1992-12-31
Academic Memberships
Vice Chairman,The Committee of Tumor Imaging,Anticancer Association of Hubei Province ,2010-06-01.
Chairman,Medical Quality Control Center,The Health Department of Hubei Province,2010-10-01.
Committee Member,Group of Thoracic Radiology, Chinese Society of Radiology,Chinese Medical Association,2010-09-01.
Standing committee member,Society of Radiology,Hubei Medical Association,2012-10-01.
Committee Member,Committee of China,International Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging,2012-06-01.
Honours and Awards
Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress in Hubei Province,Correlation study and clinical application of breast cancer MRI expression and biological behavior,2011
Honours and Awards
[1] Fan Yang,Xiang-Quan Kong *, Gan-Sheng Feng.,MR galactography: is it necessary?,European Journal of Radiology,2012,
[2] Jing WANG, Xiangquan KONG* , Haibo XU, Guofeng ZHOU, Dandan CHANG , Dingxi LIU, Li ZHANG, Mingxing XIE.,Noninvasive diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis by MRI and Echochardiography.,Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Medical Science),2010,