Honours and Awards
[1] Luo XZ, Ming CS, Chen XP, Gong NQ.,Epstein-Barr virus negative primary hepatic leiomyoma: Case report and literature review.,World J Gastroenterol. 2013 Jul 7;19(25):4094-8.,2013,
[2] Zhao B, Li X, Dai X, Gong N,Adenovirus-Mediated Anti-sense Extracellular Signal-regulated Kinase 2 Gene Therapy Inhibits Activation of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells and Angiogenesis, and Ameliorates Transplant Arteriosclerosis,Transplant Proc. 2013 Mar;45(2):639-42.,2013,
[3] Gong N, Chen X,Partial liver transplantation.,Front Med. 2011 Mar;5(1):1-7.,2011,
[4] Ding Z, Chen Z, Chen X, Cai M, Guo H, Chen X, Gong N,Adenovirus-mediated anti-sense ERK2 gene therapy inhibits tubular epithelial-mesenchymal transition and ameliorates renal allograft fibrosis.,Transpl Immunol. 2011 Jul;25(1):34-41.,2011,
[5] Gong NQ, Ming CS, Zeng FJ, Zhang WJ, Lin ZB, Zhou P, Chen XP, Chen ZS. ,Renal function of donors and recipients after living donor kidney transplantation in a Chinese cohort.,Chin Med J (Engl). 2011 May;124(9):1290-5.,2011,
[6] Gong N, Pleyer U, Ritter T, Knop E, Chen X.,Corneal allograft endothelial cell replacement represents a reparative response to transplant injury.,Mol Vis 2009 Apr;15:654-61. ,2009,
[7] Chen XL, Chen ZS, Ding Z, Dong C, Guo H, Gong NQ.,Antisense extracellular signal-regulated kinase-2 gene therapy inhibits platelet-derived growth factor-induced proliferation, migration and transforming growth factor-beta(1) expression in vascular smooth muscle cells and attenuates transplant vasculopath,Transpl Int. 2008 Jan;21(1):30-8.,2008,
[8] Nianqiao Gong, Xilin Chen, Zhao Ding, Changsheng Ming, Xiaoping Chen. ,Chronic Allograft Nephropthy: The Mechanism and Strategies.,Hong Kong J Nephrol. 2007;9(2):58-69.,2007,
[9] Fabian D, Gong N, Vogt K, Volk HD, Pleyer U, Ritter T.,The influence of inducible costimulator fusion protein (ICOSIg) gene transfer on corneal allograft survival. ,Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2007 Oct;245(10):1515-21.,2007,
[10] Gong N, Ecke I, Mergler S, Yang J, Metzner S, Schu S, Volk HD, Pleyer U, Ritter T.,Gene transfer of cyto-protective molecules in corneal endothelial cells and cultured corneas: analysis of protective effects in vitro and in vivo. ,Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 May 25;357(1):302-7.,2007,
[11] Gong N, Pleyer U, Vogt K, Anegon I, Flugel A, Volk HD, Ritter T. ,Local overexpression of nerve growth factor in rat corneal transplants improves allograft survival. ,Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007 Mar;48(3):1043-52.,2007,
[12] Gong N, Pleyer U, Volk HD, Ritter T.,Effects of local and systemic viral interleukin-10 gene transfer on corneal allograft survival.,Gene Ther. 2007 Mar;14(6):484-90.,2007,
[13] Gong N, Dong C, Chen Z, Chen X, Guo H, Zeng Z, Ming C, Klaus Chen Z. ,Adenovirus-mediated antisense-ERK2 gene therapy attenuates chronic allograft nephropathy. ,Transplant Proc. 2006 Dec;38(10):3228-30.,2006,
[14] Dong C, Gong N, Chen Z, Chen X, Xu Q, Guo H, Zeng Z, Ming C, Chen ZK. ,Antisense ERK1/2 oligodeoxynucleotide gene therapy attenuates graft arteriosclerosis of aortic transplant in a rat model. ,Transplant Proc. 2006 Dec;38(10):3304-6.,2006,
[15] Gong N, Zhao Y, Dong C, Chen ZK. ,Negative costimulatory molecules: the proximal of regulatory T cells? ,Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(4):841-7.,2006,
[16] Gong N, Pleyer U, Yang J, Vogt K, Hill M, Anegon I, Volk HD, Ritter T. ,Influence of local and systemic CTLA4Ig gene transfer on corneal allograft survival.,J Gene Med. 2006 Apr;8(4):459-67.,2006,