兰吉,Najib Isse Dirie
学习期限/Study period:
2007.9-2013.6 Bachelor:
MBBS, School of Clinical Medicine, HUST
2013.9-2016.6 Master:
Surgery, Tongji Hospital, HUST
2016.9-2019.6 PhD:
Surgery, Tongji Hospital, HUST
Supervisor: Prof. Wang Shaogang
Current Position: Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, SIMAD University
During study at HUST, NAJIB was elected as the monitor of 2007 MBBS class for six consecutive years, and became the first President of SICA, an international student organization. Together with other members at SICA, he created the "Chinese Corner", which aims to help international students learn Chinese.
During his internship in hospital, NAJIB is very diligent and never absent in daily practice. Due to his good surgery techniques, the doctors of Urology Surgery in Tongji Medical College often ask him to help with the operations.
2014年10月16日,NAJIB ISSE DIRIE(兰吉)和导师王少刚教授在医院查房时突遇歹徒恶意伤人,兰吉不顾自身安危,挺身而出保护王教授,自己却不幸被鱼缸砸伤,左臂留下两道分别长7cm和6cm的伤口。兰吉的见义勇为受到了医院医生和病人的一致赞扬。
On October 16, 2014, when NAJIB finished the clinical rounds with Professor Wang, someone in the hospital suddenly got all emotional and threw a fish tank in the nurse station at Professor Wang. NAJIB got injured while protecting Professor Wang and left two pieces of injury on his left arm with one about 7 cm and the other 6 cm. He was highly praised by the hospital doctors and patients for his brave deeds.

Teachers from the School of International Education went to visit NAJIB
2019年,兰吉顺利完成学业,在离开之前他说:“我爱你,武汉!我爱你,华中大!我爱你,同济!我肯定会想念这里所有的一切!Thank you!Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, HUST, CSC, and Chinese Government.”
In 2019, NAJIB completed his study. Before leaving, he said, "I love you, Wuhan! I love you, HUST! I love you, Tongji! I'm gonna miss everything here! Thank you! Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, HUST, CSC, and Chinese Government."

Dr. Najib Isse Dirie won the BEST DEAN AWARD in recognition of exceptional leadership and devoted services to the Faculty of Medicine 2022, SIMAD University.
Najib Isse Dirie荣获索马里SIMAD大学2022年“最佳院长奖”。

2018年至2022年间,Najib Isse Dirie在国外期刊上发表论文10余篇。
Academic Achievements:
From 2018 to 2022, Najib Isse Dirie published more than 10 papers in foreign journals.

139 citations since 2017

Najib published his paper as Lead author in the Asian Journal of Urology