New HUSTers Explore HUST Campus
Editor:Nong Yingying;Chen Ying; Liu Zhiyi; Cheng Zhiyi Date:September 16, 2013 Hits:



       随后,同学们乘坐校车来到图书馆,从图书馆步行到南大门。一路上老师给大家介绍了邮局、图书馆、体育馆的位置,同学们觉得校园里的林荫大道非常的美丽。在南大门,大家与“毛爷爷”和校门合影留念,留下了他们美好的记忆。(农滢滢  撰稿)


醉晚亭中赏荷花 Appreciating Lotus flowers in the Zuiwan Pavilion

集贸市场学砍价 Learning to bargain in JIMAO Market




       最后,大家满载而归。带着买来的花生、莲子、橘子、石榴等食物来到了青年园野餐。满园的荷花,伴着雨后阵阵清风,和师生的欢声笑语,大家一起度过了一个非常惬意的雨后游园会。(陈滢 刘金轶  撰稿)




       来到校史馆,同学们先看了一个关于学校建校过程的短片,看完后,朝鲜学生说:“我是来这里学医的,华中科技大学的同济医学院很好。”随后在讲解员的带领下进馆内参观,同学们听得很认真,不时会提出一些问题。参观结束后,来自柬埔寨的学生彭华感叹道:“华科真的很好,我要在这里学习专业。”(程智懿  撰稿)



On the afternoon of September 9th, all international students of Class A3, Class B1 and B2 had a visit in the campus with the guide their head teachers.

The first station of visit is the East 9 Teaching Building. All students aroused great interests in the Confusions’ Statue.  “Confusion is also very famous in Iran. When it comes to Chinese great men, almost all Iranians will think of Confusion. ” Azhe, the student comes from Iran told his classmates.  Mrs. Nong, the head teacher of Class A3 explained the meaning of Confusions’ gesture to her students, which is a way to show respect and be polite to other people. After knowing that, all students started to model this gesture to express their gratitude to Mrs. Nong, and then took a picture in front of the statue happily.

Then, international students left for HUST History Museum by taking a school bus.  Along the way, they passed the Jimao market, library, and Friendship Apartment. In the History Museum, all students listened to the guide carefully and understood how HUST developed rapidly in the past 60 years. “I’m so proud of HUST, and I’m even proud of myself could study here. I will cherish my opportunity to study here and work hard in the coming years.”Peng Hua, the Cambodian student was impressed deeply by the glorious history.

After visiting History Museum, they walked along the avenue and finally reached the South Gate. Their picture with the President Mao Statue marked a beautiful memory for each international student.


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