"HUST-OXFORD" Summer Internship Program
Editor: Date:November 1, 2022 Hits:


Since the year of 2013, Huazhong University of Science and Technology has been accepting students from the University of Oxford to participate in the "HUST-OXFORD" Summer Internship Program.


HUST is the first Chinese university to recruit Oxford students for scientific research internship.


HUST has won three golden medals issued by the University of Oxford in the year of 2019, 2020 and 2022 respectively.

Please watch the video testimonial made for "HUST-OXFORD" Summer Intenrship Program

HUST is ready!


In the following, HUST will continue to promote more Scientific Research Internship Programs to recruit international students from World-Renowned Universities.


We are waiting for more international students with high caliber from world-renowned universities to join us at HUST



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