Editor: Date:October 7, 2022 Hits:



Group photo by all participants

(通讯员 熊苒苒)10月7日,由华中科技大学校友总会主办、国际教育学院承办的首届国际学生校友大会在国际学术交流中心八号楼求是厅隆重举行,校长尤政、副校长许晓东、副校长陈建国、校务委员会副主任梁茜、校友总会常务副秘书长黄坤华等出席活动。此次大会由国际教育学院院长周莉萍主持,来自德国、法国、俄罗斯、意大利、韩国、泰国、越南、巴基斯坦、哥伦比亚、危地马拉、斯里兰卡、坦桑尼亚、肯尼亚等60多个国家的国际学生校友通过线上线下相结合的方式参会。

The 1st International Student Alumni Conference was held in Qiushi Conference Hall of HUST International Academic Exchange Center, No.8 Building on October 7th. This event was sponsored by HUST Central Alumni Association and organized by School of International Education. HUST President You Zheng, Vice President Xu Xiaodong, Vice President Chen Jianguo, Vice Chair of HUST University Council Liang Qian, and Deputy Secretary-General of HUST Central Alumni Association Huang Kunhua, attended the conference. International student alumni from more than 60 countries including Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Pakistan, Columbia, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Kenya participated the conference via online and offline media. Professor Zhou Liping, Dean of International Education, hosted this event.



University leaders attended the conference


On behalf of HUST, President You Zheng extended a warm welcome to all the guests and international student alumni to this event. He pointed out that international student alumni have witnessed and participated in the high-quality development of HUST. A group of outstanding international student alumni keep facilitating collaboration between China and the world and work as friendly ambassadors between nations. They have promoted the international brand of "Study in HUST". He was truly proud of the achievements of the international student alumni and said that HUST will always be the strong support and common home of all international student alumni.



President You Zheng delivered a speech


On behalf of HUST Central Alumni Association, Ms. Huang Kunhua, Deputy Secretary-General expressed her gratitude to all the international student alumni and their families who have cared about HUST’s development and supported the building of HUST’s alumni community. She mentioned that HUST international student alumni network has expanded, and its contribution has been scaled up. The establishment of HUST Sri Lanka Alumni Association is an important milestone in both development of international education and alumni work of HUST. She believed that international student alumni play an irreplaceable role in the process of HUST's development into a world-class university, and the Central Alumni Association will continue to work and progress with all alumni together.



Ms. Huang Kunhua, Deputy Secretary-General, HUST Central Alumni Association, delivered a speech

经济学院2006蒙古国籍校友 BULGANTUYA KHURELBAATAR、公管学院2015老挝籍校友CHANTHA ONXAYVIENG、2017年斯里兰卡高级公务员培训项目领队SEPALIKA SUDHASINGHE作为杰出国际学生校友代表发言,她们深情回忆了在华科大的求学经历,并为母校送上了真挚的祝福。

BULGANTUYA KHURELBAATAR, a Mongolian national alumnus of the School of Economics in 2006, CHANTHA ONXAYVIENG, a Lao national alumnus of the School of Public Administration in 2015, and SEPALIKA SUDHASINGHE, the leader of Sri Lanka Senior Civil Service Training Program at HSUT in 2017, spoke as representatives of outstanding international student alumni. They fondly recalled their schooling experiences at HUST and sent their sincere wishes to their alma mater.



University leaders issued the Letter of Appointment to international student alumni ambassadors



World Debut of HUST International Student Alumni Platform

为进一步凝聚国际学生校友力量,优化国际学生校友服务,大会还举办了华中科技大学国际校友宣传大使聘书授予仪式和华中科技大学国际学生校友平台全球首发仪式。软件学院2019届国际学生校友Mr. ALEXANDROS KONTOGEORGOS作为国际校友宣传大使代表发言

In order to further bring all the international student alumni together and optimize international student alumni services, 14 HUST international student alumni were issued the Letter of Appointment to work as alumni ambassadors and the world debut of HUST international student alumni platform was launched. Mr. ALEXANDROS KONTOGEORGOS, the 2019 international student alumnus of School of Software Engineering, spoke as the representative of international student alumni ambassador.



The representative of international student alumni delivered a speech


The conference also included a forum on the theme of "Integration and Sharing, Innovation and Development", enterprise presentations and an enterprise bazaar. Professor Wang Bing from the College of Public Administration and Professor Liu Zhaohui from State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion delivered keynote speeches on "International Poverty Reduction: China's Innovation and Global Cooperation" and "Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality" respectively. Six Chinese enterprises, including Wuhan HGLaser Engineering Co., Ltd, Wuhan Fiberhome Technology Service Co., Ltd, Hubei International Economic and Technical Cooperation Co., China-Africa Innovation Cooperation Center, Wuhan San New School and Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press, made speeches on their globalization development strategies. In the "Enterprise Bazaar" section, above Chinese enterprises interacted with international students and alumni online and offline actively.



Professor Wang Bing delivered a keynote speech



Professor Liu Zhaohui delivered a keynote speech



Face-to-face communication between enterprises and students


Leaders from university administrative offices, departments, and representatives of on-campus international students also attended this event.


In the 1960s, HUST recruited the first batch of Vietnamese students, and so far, it has trained more than 15,000 international talents from all walks of life for more than 160 countries and regions around the world. A large number of international students who know China, are friendly to China, and love China have come to the global stage. They have become the storytellers of HUST, the builders of “Belt and Road" and the facilitators of the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. The year of 2022 marks both the 70th anniversary of HUST, and the 60th anniversary of international student education at HUST. As China is approaching to the center of the world stage, being committed to moving forward with the People's Republic of China and progressing into the new era, HUST continuously upgrades its international education, and introduces the new Chinese higher education to the world in a powerful way.



Students from around the world sent wishes to HUST

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