A Letter of New Conoravirs to All HUST International Students
Editor: Date:January 21, 2020 Hits:

To all dear International Students, including students in main campus and Tongji campus

Recently, the pneumonia caused by a novel corona virus is transmitting in Wuhan and to all over the world.

This is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. In response to this outbreak, Chinese central government and local government has tightened controls on people going in and out of Wuhan. As one university which is located in Wuhan, HUST has the responsibility to work with the government and also taken a series of measures to deal with the pneumonia.

Fortunately, NO HUST international student suffer the pneumonia till now. For the health and safety of all international students, ISO, SIE-HUST inform relevant information as followed:

1.International students who stay in China, please read carefully on WHO and CDC China's epidemic prevention notices through various channels. Please make sure your room is ventilated, washing your hands frequently and DO NOT go to the crowded places.

2. International students who stay in China, please DO NOT travel to another cities of China , NOR organize parties. It is better stay in campus. If it necessary to go out of campus, please wear the surgery mask. ISO has purchased a batch of surgery masks, the apartment service company will issuer the masks to international students as soon as the masks arrived.

3. The apartment service company make disinfection in public area everyday and report the situations of international students to ISO everyday. International students who stay in china want to go out of campus or go back to your home country is allowed, and please report your itnenaryto the service company and your school. HUST set up the access control of the campus. Please take your student ID card.

4. The Insurance Company has activated the international student infection coronavirus emergency plan. If you felt uncomfortable, like fever, cough, please go to the fever outpatient of relevant hospitals. Students in main campus, please go to the HUST hospital, Chinese Traditional Medicine Hospital of Hubei province, or 3rd hospital of Wuhan. Students in Tongji campus, please go to 4th hospital of Wuhan, or 11th hospital of Wuhan.

5. For returned international students, please obey the calendar strictly, DO NOT go back to HUST before registration date(14th FEB), Whether the registration date would be delayed, we will wait for the government and HUST arrangements. And ISO will inform all international students as soon as we get the arrangement.









1. 寒假留校的国际学生,请遵照世界卫生组织和中国疾病预防控制中心出版的疫情预防措施,包括但不限于做好室内通风,勤洗手,不去人群密集区域等,做好个人防护工作。

2. 寒假留校的国际学生,如无必要,不在中国境内其他城市旅行,不组织聚会,尽量不出校园。确需外出,务必戴好医用口罩。国际教育学院已为国际学生采购一批医用口罩,到货后会通过物业部门尽快分发。

3. 国际学生公寓物业部门已启动定期的环境消毒工作和留校国际学生动态汇报工作,留校国际学生如需外出或回国,务必向院系和物业部门报备行程。学校已启动进出校门刷卡制度,请各位国际学生随身携带校园卡。

4. 保险公司已启动了国际学生感染冠状病毒的应急预案,如遇不适,务必前往指定医院就诊,主校区就近去校医院、湖北省中医院、武汉市第三医院,同济校区就近去武汉市四医院、武汉市十一医院。

5. 寒假已回国国际学生,严格按照校历时间,注册日(2月14日)之前不返校。下学期注册日是否推迟,将等待政府和学校统一安排,国际学生办公室会第一时间向所有国际学生通报。


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