Dear Postgraduates,
To honor outstanding international students, the university has decided to select and award HUST Outstanding International Students. The notice is hereby announced as follows:
1. Honors Open for Application
l HUST Academic Excellence Award
l HUST Outstanding Student Cadre
l HUST Outstanding Volunteer
2. Basic Qualifications
a) HUST registered degree students;
b) Good discipline record;
c) Honest, devoted to university and friendly to China;
d) No course-failing record;
e) No academic misconduct;
f) No violation to registration regulations;
g) No record of punishment and never undermine the university’s reputation.
3. Other Essential Qualifications
3.1 Essential Qualification for the Academic Excellence Award
a) Good GPA (average marks above 80);
b) Published at least one paper on and above B level journals (the paper must be signed by the supervisor and stamped by the school or department; the journal level must be clearly mentioned by the supervisor according to the journals listed by the university, or it shall be regarded as invalid application materials);
c) Papers used before cannot be used again for application and the publication date should be later than December 2022;
d) First Author (Second is accepted ONLY if the supervisor is the first author).
3.2 Essential Qualification for the Outstanding Student Cadre
a) Good GPA (average marks above 70)
b) Implement the work requirements by the university earnestly and behave well in university assignments and activities.
c) Actively Serve other students; excellent with organization, execution and leadership skills; strong sense of team honor;
d) Serve as the student organization leader /School or ISO assistant for over one year.
3.3 Essential Qualification for the Outstanding Volunteer
a) Actively participate in public benefit activities organized by school or other relevant units for a year or above;
b) Awarded by the university or other organizations.
4. Selection Procedure
a) Student log on “” and submit personal application before November 14, 2023.
b) Departments shall log on to review students` application before November 14, 2023.
C)ISO will organize final review and submit the result to the University for approval.
5. Results
The list of nominees will be announced at the website of School of International Education ( and certificates will be awarded to winners.
6. Important Matters to Follow
Applicants must submit supporting materials as required. If the student does not submit application as it required, or submit incorrect and false information, the application shall be considered as invalid.
The guideline for online application.pdf
School of International Education, HUST
1. 学业优秀奖;
2. 优秀学生干部;
3. 优秀志愿者。
1. 全日制在校学习国际学生(研究生);
2. 严格遵守中国的法律法规和学校的各项规章制度,无违法违纪记录;
3. 明礼诚信,热爱学校,知华友华;
4. 勤奋学习,学风端正,成绩优良,无课程不及格;
5. 科研研究态度端正,无学术不端行为;
6. 每学期按时缴纳学费并完成注册,无不良纪录;
7. 未受到过任何处分或处罚,未损害学校声誉。
1. 获得学业优秀奖荣誉称号的必须同时符合以下条件:
a) 学习成绩优良,学位课程加权平均成绩不低于80分;
b) 有较强的科研能力和创新精神,在国际、国内重要学术刊物上发表B类论文1篇及以上;(论文必须以申请人为第一作者,论文见刊以后方可使用,论文不可重复使用需为2022年12月以后发表的论文。)
2. 获得优秀学生干部荣誉称号的必须同时符合以下条件
a) 学习刻苦,成绩良好,学位课程加权平均 不低于70分;
b) 认真落实学校和留学生教育管理主管部门的工作要求,在各项工作和活动中起到模范带头作用;
d) 担任学生干部一学年及以上。
a) 长期积极参加学校以及其他相关单位组织的社会公益活动,有奉献精神,不怕困难;
b) 在公益活动中获得肯定或表扬。
1. 学生申请:学生应于2023年11月14日前登录“国际学生在线申请与服务系统”提交个人申请。
2. 院系推荐:院系应于2023年11月14日前登录“国际学生招生与管理服务系统”,审核学生申请并给出评审意见。
3. 国际教育学院将按照文件规定组织专家评审并报学校审批。
六、 注意事项