Notice of Tuition Payment for International Self-Support Undergraduate
Editor:ISO Date:May 24, 2018 Hits:




1. 请全体本科自费国际学生于6月15日前到来华留学办公室领取下一学年的学费缴纳通知单,并于6月30日前,到学校财务处完成2018-2019学年的学费缴纳工作。已完成学费缴纳工作的自费生请于7月5日之前到来华留学办公室办理下一学年的居留许可延长手续;

2. 因故未能在6月30日之前缴纳学费的本科自费国际学生,请务必于9月3日当天前往学校财务处缴纳学费,并于9月4日当天到来华留学办公室申请办理居留许可延长手续。(9月为我校国际学生新生报到注册时间,来华留学办公室专门安排9月4日当天为在校生申请办理居留许可延长手续,请全体本科自费国际学生合理安排自己的返校时间和学费缴纳时间。)







Notice of Tuition Payment for International Self-Support Undergraduate

May 23, 2018

To all international self-support undergraduates:

According to the HUST registration notice for 2018-2019 academic year, the registration system open for the next fall semester is from August 31 to September 2. To better carry out the HUB registration work and help international students to apply for residence permit extension, the requirements for tuition payment for the next fall semester are noticed as follows:

1. Please come to the International Student Office to collect the tuition payment invoice for the next academic year before June 15, and complete the tuition payment for 2018-2019 academic year in the University Finance Office before June 30. Students who have completed the tuition payment shall go to the International Student Office to apply for the residence permit extension before July 5.

2. Students who fail to pay the tuition before June 30 due to personal reasons, are required to pay tuition in the University Finance Office on September 3 (One day only) and come to the International Student Office to apply for extension of residence permits on September 4 (One day only). (September is the registration time for 2018 new students, and in order to avoid time-conflicts between prospective and on-campus student affairs, International Student Office will arrange a special day on September 4 for on-campus students to apply for the residence permit extension. All self-support undergraduates are required to make a proper arrangement of your returning time and tuition payment.)

The office hours of University Finance Office are:

8:30 – 11:20 and 14:30-16:30 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Main campus contact: Ms Vivian Yan Tel: 87559551

Mr Wang Zaiyang Tel: 87541808 transfer 8001

Tongji campus contact: Ms Luo Meiying, Ms Hu Fanghua Tel: 83692920 Mr Qin Erchuan Tel: 83691553

School of International Education

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