2018/2019 Scholarship for Distinguished International Students Open for Application
Editor:ISO Date:May 25, 2018 Hits:


May 25, 2018

According to notice from Ministry of Education of China, application for the Scholarship for Distinguished International Students of 2018/2019 academic year is open now. Application guideline for the scholarship is as below:

Who Can Apply:

➢  undergraduates (Self-supported only)who are studying in the 2nd year or above;

➢  postgraduates who are studying in the 2nd year or above;

➢   students who are graduating in 2018 and who are in study suspension are excluded;

About the Scholarship:

The scholarship offers one-time reward of 18,000 RMB to the undergraduate winners, and 30,000 RMB to postgraduate winners.

Seats Allocation:

4 seats for undergraduates and 3 seats for postgraduates including main campus and Tongji campus


➢  Undergraduates with excellent grades; Postgraduates have strong study and scientific research ability and publish papers on top journals;

➢  Students who strictly obey Chinese laws and school regulations, and achieved excellence in China;

➢  Students who always complete tuition fee and finish registration on time, did not have any record for expiration of visa/residence permit or other negative records and did not receive complaints during their study here;

➢  Students who are sound in body and mind and actively participate in school or university activities;

➢ Under the same condition, students who have family financial difficulty or have been awarded by or above the university level are prior to apply.

How to Apply:

1.    Log into http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn and submit your application.

Noted: Please select C in the Study Category (留学项目种类), the Institution Number (受理机构编号) is 10487, and study period is 2018.9.1-2019.7.15.

2.    Hand in the paper application materials required below to your school (the Student Affairs Supervisor):

(1)  Two copies of application forms with your signature (Download it from the website after completion of online submitting)

(2)  An official sealed transcript for the academic year 2017/2018.

(3)  Write an article themed My Studying Abroad Story in HUST, no limitation with the title, no less than 800 words.

(4)  Other supporting documents or materials, such as published high-level papers, previous honorary awards, etc.

(5)  For postgraduate appliers, extra materials below are required:

a.    Paper retrieval certificate, paper acceptance notification (other papers are not accepted as supporting materials) or proof of participation in the publication of monographs;

b.    Letter of recommendation from your supervisor.

3.    Please hand in all the materials mentioned above to your school before 11:00am, May 30th, 2018.

Selection Method:

The selection principle is “apply in person, recommendation by department, final review by university”. China scholarship Council decides and posts the final decisions.

Each department will make a preliminary evaluation with all the materials and make recommendations to university. The relevant materials will be sent by the Student Affairs Supervisor of each department to International Student Office or Medical International Student Office (Tongji Campus) before 16pm, June 1st , 2018.

Contact: Miss Yan Wei 87559551; Miss Zhang Ke 87793026; Mrs Hong Tao 83692920(Tongji Campus)

School of International Education





教育部2018/2019学年将继续评选全国“优秀国际学生奖学金”,用于奖励在华勤奋学习、品学兼优的国际学生。 根据有关文件精神,现将我校该奖学金项目候选人评选办法通知如下:






本科生名额4人,研究生名额3人 。




1. 本科生成绩优异;研究生有较强的学习或科研能力,在重要学术期刊发表过高水平文章;

2. 在华表现优秀,遵守中国的法律法规和学校的各项规章度;

3. 按时注册、缴纳学费;无签证/居留许可过期等任何违法违纪行为,没有受到任何投诉,无任何其他不良记录;

4. 身心健康,全面发展,积极参加学校的各类活动;

5. 同等条件下,家庭经济困难者优先,获得过校级以上荣誉称号的优先。


1. 网上申请:申请者须登录中国国家留学基金管理委员会来华留学网上报名平台(http://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn)提交个人申请。


2. 申请者向本院系辅导员提交个人纸质申请材料(A4纸张):

(1) 2份《中国政府奖学金申请表》(请从奖学金申请平台上下载并打印并签名) ;

(2) 2017/2018学年度成绩单(加盖公章);


(4) 其他辅助性证明或材料,例如在权威期刊发表的高水平文章、过往获奖证明或专利证书、有关宣传报道等;

(5) 研究生申请者还须提供以下材料:



3.申请截止时间: 2018年5月30日上午11:00。












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