The 3rd of the Team Introduction Series of HUST History and Chinese Culture Contest, an event devoted to the celebration of the 70th Anniversary of HUST.
Team Eco Go Go Go!

Team Eco Go Go Go consists of four students from School of Economics. Though the members come from different countries and speak totally different languages, they all have the same passion for the traditional Chinese culture and HUST, and their different faces send a same message -- the best wishes for their home university’s 70th anniversary!
The members of the team could wait no more and are very ready for the contest. Just as their slogan goes, they will keep HUST’s motto in mind, inherit HUST’s essential spirit, and dare to try their best in the contest. Let’s sincerely hope that in the process of preparing the contest, they can feel with their hearts the rich history of HUST and get a true taste of the fascination of unique China, so as to create more fantastic stories with China. Come on, let’s wait and see!
Here is the brief introduction to the team members and a video from them. Get a glimpse first!
Team Eco Go Go Go
HWANG CHEONG, from South Korea
Xingquan LIU, from Sichuan Province, China
Their slogan is: “Keep virtue and erudition in mind; Govern and benefit the people; Unite and collaborate as one; Try hard for the best.”
Want to know about more teams and about the contest? Well, please keep staying with us!