
Mr. Lan Hanghang
在热烈的掌声中,尹新林宣布优秀志愿者名单,兰行行为他们颁发荣誉证书。国际学生志愿者代表ABDUR RAHIM HAMIDI和中国志愿者代表温瀚林分别发言,表示在活动中收获颇丰,既帮助了他人,又锻炼了自己。并表达了对国际教育学院和学生国际交流协会的感谢。兰行行充分肯定志愿者的奉献精神,"谢谢你们为学校的国际化贡献力量!"

On Oct 19, 20 international students and 10 Chinese Students attended the awarding ceremony for volunteers of orientation program of international students. Mr. Lan Hanghang, the director of ISO and Mr. Yin Xinlin presented the ceremony.

Wen Hanlin
Mr. Yin Xinlin announced the list of winners and Mr.Lan Hanghang awarded the excellent volunteers. ABDUR RAHIM HAMIDI and Wen Hanlin delievered a speech representing international volunteers and Chinese volunteers respectively. "I really appreciate your devotion to the volunteering job and internationalization of HUST! " Mr. Lan concluded the ceremony.
It’s reported that over 600 new international students from all over the world have completed the registration this semester and embraced the new campus life.

撰稿 吴冕
翻译 李雨阳
摄影 孙良凯
编辑 尹新林