In the evening on June 7, 2018 Partyology for Medical International Students was held in the Student Auditorium of Tongji Medical College of HUST.
A spectacle consisting of songs, dances, martial arts and fashion show, which had been well prepared by more than 60 medical international students from around 16 countries, each was unique. More than 500 international students from around 100 countries attended the event.
The art gala opened with the L2D Dance group,the vigorous activities of the dancers created a warm atmosphere for the gala.

Gift (Thailand) and Sachini(Sri Lanka)'s excellent performance was cheered and applauded, the group performance Bangtan in your area performed by Chinese and International Students won the applause of all audiences there,the fashion show made the atmosphere of enjoyment to a climax. Finally, the gala came to the end with Afro dance.
2018 Partyology for Medical International Students was sponsored by the School of International Education, and organized by Medical International Student Office.
The passion and enthusiasm of Medical students has been shown in this event, the purpose of arts gala for medical students not only provided them with a stage to demonstrate themselves and their own culture, but also enhanced the international atmosphere of Tongji Medical College of HUST.

2018年6月7日晚,第三届“同济情 中国梦”医科国际学生文艺晚会在同济医学院学生礼堂拉开帷幕,医科国际学生们给我们带来了一场多国艺术的盛宴。本次晚会由来自多达16个国家的60多名医科国际学生联合精心准备,参演节目形式多样,内容丰富。
晚会在L2D DanceGroup的开场舞中火爆开场,绚丽的灯光下舞者们活力四射的表演为晚会现场营造了热烈的气氛。
充满异国风情的印度舞让大家仿佛身临这个古老文明的国度;由泰国学生带来的舞蹈动感十足,充满现代的气息;中国文化源远流长,中国功夫更是闻名天下,毛里求斯硕士研究生MOHAMMAD SHAH NAYAZ BURKUTALLY的功夫表演让大家叹为观止。
此次晚会的成功举办,充分展示了医科国际学生的风采、活力与才艺, 同学们以自己的方式书写青春、描绘留学中国的精彩生活。

撰稿:骆美颖 洪涛