New HUSTers Celebrate Mid-Autumn Day
Editor:Nong Yingying;Dong Jiawei Date:September 18, 2013 Hits:

放飞孔明灯 Releasing Kongming Lanterns with best wishes on them


On the evening of September 17th, all international students from Class A3 celebrated Mid-Autumn Day together on the western playground. This is the first Mid-Autumn Day for them to spend in China. They ate moon cakes, appreciated moon scenery and released Kongming Lanterns happily.

Mrs. Nong told the fairy tale about Mid-Autumn Day to her students. The Iraqi student Kang Hai was totally attracted by the story and looked at the moon for a long time----“Where is the beauty Change’s Why I can’t find her in the moon?”Kang Hai’s funny words made all classmates laughed happily.

In the beautiful moon light, all students sang a Chinese song named “ The Moon is showing my heart to you( Yueliang Daibiao Wo de Xin)”. Though they can’t pronounce the Chinese word in a very correct way, all students enjoyed themselves. After that, they even began to show their talents in singing: Yilin, a French girl sang a French song related to moon; Dana’s 7 years old daughter also sang a traditional Iraqi with everybody’s encouragements; Chinese teachers also tried their best to entertain audiences by dancing and singing.  

At last, all students wrote their best wishes on the Kongming Lanterns. They released the lanterns, letting the lanterns carry their beautiful dreams and fly into the sky.


       班主任农老师首先给大家介绍了中秋节的传说。当听到嫦娥奔月这个故事时,来自伊拉克的康海对“the beautiful lady in the moon”非常感兴趣。“我怎么看不到她呢?”他凝视了月亮许久,有点小小的失望。  


       最后同学们把自己的愿望写在孔明灯上,并贴上农老师给大家准备的祝福纸条,一起放飞孔明灯,放飞浓浓的中秋祝福。(农滢滢  撰稿)


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