Editor: Date:November 8, 2022 Hits:

Notice on Recruiting Internship positions for 2023 “Scientific Research Internship Program for Students from World-Renowned Universities”


Dear professors, do you want to recruit international students with high caliber from world-renowned universities? We believe that the Scientific Research Internship Program for Students from World-Renowned Universities will certainly make you satisfied!


The Scientific Research Internship Program for Students from World-Renowned Universities aims at recruiting international students from world-renowned universities to join HUST research group. This program is now recruiting internship positions from all schools and departments of HUST.


1. 项目时长:4周至1学年

2. 项目形式:线上线下相结合

3. 工作语言:英语

4. 项目招收对象:世界排名前100或在特定领域处于国际领先地位的国际知名院校学生,学生拥有有效的外国护照。

5. 项目内容:(1)导师自行设计实习内容、实习形式、评价方式和成果展示,院系审核后报送国际教育学院;(2)国际教育学院组织安排中国语言文化课程;

Program Setting

1. Program Length: four weeks to one academic year with flexibility

2. Teaching pattern: online and offline

3. Working language: English

4. Program Candidates: International Students (with valid foreign passport) from the top 100 universities in the world or universities with world-leading specialties in specific areas.

5. Program arrangement: (1) The Internship content, internship form, evaluation method and final presentation will be designed by professors from academic departments. (2) Chinese language and culture courses will be arranged by School of International Education.



Program Promotion

The School of International Education will publish the detailed internship information through overseas partner universities, as well as different websites and publicity channels. By publicizing our first-class scientific research platforms and academic strengths, HSUT will recruit more high-quality international students from world-renowned universities for research internship.


Dear professors, if there are overseas partners recommending high-quality international students to join your research program, please do recommend the students to us. Please fill in the Position Information Form of Scientific Research Internship Program for Students from World-Renowned Universities. After being reviewed by the department, the signed form should be scanned and sent to caijia@hust.edu.cn before November 30, 2022.


If there is any question about student recruitment, visa issuance and entry policy, please feel free to contact us. We will try our utmost on enrollment publicity and admission, and spare no effort to provide high-quality services.

 附件 1:2023年度世界知名大学来华留学科研实习项目课题信息报送表.docx

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