Notice Regarding the Registration of New International Students and 2022 Summer Vacation
Editor: Date:July 5, 2022 Hits:

Notice Regarding the Registration of New International Students and 2022 Summer Vacation



Dear international students,


The summer vacation of 2022 is from July 7 to August 25. In order to strengthen the management and service of all international students including new international students who will register for the autumn semester of 2022, we hereby inform you of the arrangement of summer vacation and the registration for new international students of 2022 as follows:


The International Student Office hours of operation during 2022 summer vacation:

# Office hours:

8:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. , 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.

July 7 - August 25, 2022 (Monday through Friday)

# Location

Main Campus:The Administrative Service Center, Window No.1

Tongji Campus:  Medical International Student OfficeThe Administrative Service Center at Tongji Medical College


Information for students who are graduating in summer 2022:

Students who have graduated should complete the dormitory check-out and deregistration and leave the school before July 31, 2022.

If you are leaving China however your flight was delayed, you need to apply for a humanitarian visa at Window No. 1 in Administrative Service Center. The humanitarian visa will be valid for 1 month only, and cannot be changed into any other type of residence permit.

If you are admitted or hired by any institution after you graduate from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, you need to ask the institution that accept or hire you to help you apply for your visa/residence permit. Our university will not be responsible for your new visa/residence permit after your current visa/residence permit expire on July 31, 2022, and we will not be providing accommodations after you leave school by July 31, 2022.

Collection of graduation certificate and diploma is not available during the summer vacation. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Yang at

Medical students please contact Mr. Zhu at

The credentials verification on CHSI usually should be done by July 31. If you have issues related with the verifications, please contact Ms. Wu at


Information for students who are enrolled and currently inside China

During the summer vacation, you still need to submit the applications online as usual each time you leave or enter the campus. Our system will automatically report and save your records.

The international students are recommended to stay in Wuhan during summer vacation. In case you need to leave Wuhan, you need to submit your application to your department/college, and get the approval from your advisor, and then leave Wuhan. You need to abide by the epidemic prevention rules and regulations at the time you return.

Self-supporting students and PhD students who have extended their scholarship can come to Window No.1 at Administration Service Center to extend their visa/residence permit, and sign relevant statements.

Self-supporting students who have paid their tuition and accommodation fees need to get the Fee Structure and Account Information of the university from Window No.1 at Administration Service Center, bring cash or bank cards, and go to the bank to transfer the tuition while getting the proof of transfer at the bank(Remember to write your “Name” and “passport No” in the “remark/备注” column). After having paid all the tuition and accommodation fees, the students can extend their visas/residence permits.

To check out during the summer vacation, students should apply to the dormitory office and wait for the approval of the property management center. No need to visit the International Student Office.


Information for students who are returning to China from overseas(including new students)

International students who are still abroad can NOT return to school without formal notice, please wait for further news. Application for return to school is not accepted. The university will serve the students according to rules and regulations. We will not accept applications for families of students.

The oversea students who are coming to China and HUST need to abide by epidemic prevention laws and regulations.


Registration procedure for new students

· Online information confirmation

Student category: all new international students

Platform: Online Application and Service System for International Students

Website address:

Account and password: It is the same as application account and password. The account number and password of students who do not use the "international student online application and service system" to apply for program will be distributed to the student mailbox.

Guidance for online information confirmation: Please download the  guidance from the homepage of Online Application and Service System for  International Students after August 15.

Time: August 15 - August 30, 2022

· On-campus registration for 2022 fall semester

Student category: New international students currently in mainland China

Location: HUST Welcome Center, please refer to


Student category: New International Medical students currently in mainland China (only 2022 Pharmacy undergraduates and 2022 postgraduates)

Please contact Mr.Zhu if there being some special cases.

Tel: 027-83692920


Location: Medical International Student Office4Fof ISO, Tongji Medical College

Time: 8:30-11:00a.m. 15:00-17:00p.m. (August 22 - August 24, 2022)

Required documents: HUST admission letter, JW201/202 Form, Passport  with valid visa page, four 2-inch photos with blue background

Guidance for registration: Please download the registration from the  homepage of Online Application and Service System for International  Students after August 15.

In case you have any emergencies, please contact: 027-87541868-8001

or email:


Online registration for 2022 fall semester

Student category: All new international students

Platform: Online Application and Service System for International Students

Website address:

Account and password: Please complete the online information confirmation at before the registration. The students ID is the account. The password student filled in the last step of online information confirmation will be set as the original password of registration website.

Guidance for registration: Complete the online information confirmation and  then download the guidance from the homepage of Online Application and    Service System for International Students

Time: August 26 -September 9, 2022


Happy summer vacation!

School of International Education






1. 时间:2022年7月7日-8月25日,周一至周五

上午8:30-11:00, 下午15:00-17:00





1. 国际学生毕业、结业的,应当在2022年7月31日前办理退房、离校手续并离校。

2. 确因离华航班延期等原因需暂留中国的,应提前在师生服务中心值班窗口申请人道主义停留签证。人道主义停留签证有效期仅1个月,且不能换发为其他类型的居留许可。

3. 国际学生毕业后被中国境内其他单位接收继续学习或工作,应由接收单位按规定办理居留证件,在过渡时期,我校不办理居留证件,不提供住宿;

4. 暑假期间不领取毕业证书和学位证书,如有问题,主校区学生请联系杨老师:,同济校区学生请联系朱老师

5. 学信网认证一般在7月31日之前完成,如有特殊情况请联系吴老师


1. 暑假期间国际学生出入校园,仍采用申请报备制度,由国际学生本人在管理服务系统中申请,系统自动同步到门禁系统并备案;

2. 国际学生非必要不离汉,确有事需前往外地,应提前向所在院系申请,经导师/辅导员同意,院系批准后方可离汉,返汉时,需遵守当时的外地返汉防疫规定;

3. 自费生和申请了奖学金延长的博士生,可到师生服务中心值班窗口办理居留许可延长,并签署相关承诺;

4. 自费生缴纳学费和住宿费的,需先在师生服务中心领取缴费单据和学校账户,持现金或银行卡到银行转账交纳学费并领取转账凭证。足额缴纳学费和住宿费后,方可办理居留许可延期手续。(转账需备注姓名+护照号);

5. 暑假期间学生退房直接在公寓登记,物业部门核实后方可退房,无需到国际学生办公室办理手续,暑假期间不办理换房业务。


1. 未接到学校通知前,境外国际学生一律不得返校。学校按照有关规定办理境外国际学生来华返校工作,不办理学生家属来华事项;

2. 境外国际学生来华返校须遵守疫情防控有关规定。


1. 线上确认信息







2. 线下报到



国际中心大厅,请参考 ;




上午8:30-11:00, 下午15:00-17:00;

所需材料:录取通知书 、JW201/202签证申请表、护照和有效签证页,以上材料均须原件;蓝色2寸登记照4张。


















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