Notice Regarding Application for Extension of Scholarship Funding Period
Editor: Date:May 1, 2020 Hits:








2.学生须通过本学年奖学金年度评审、研究课题中期考核及开题报告等培养要求,并通过“Study Partner”填写提交《中国政府奖学金延长奖学金期限申请表》,经院系导师和审核同意后,由国际教育学院报国家留学基金管理委员会审批。



1. 登录手机应用“Study Partner”(下载地址:,于2020514日前提交个人奖学金期限延长申请.

2. 各个院(系)及导师组织对学生延长申请进行评审后提交至国际教育学院。学生无需单独联系导师或院系。


3. 国际教育学院汇总后报送至国家留学基金管理委员会批准。







Notice Regarding Application for Extension of Scholarship Funding Period for the 2020/2021 Academic Year

1 May 2020

To all International Students:

In order to perfect the graduation management work of international student in 2020, to strengthen the management of international students at school, according to the Notice No.17 of the China Scholarship Council and the actual situation of the university, the arrangement of application for extending scholarship funding period for international students in the 2020/2021 academic year is as follows:

.Non-PhD students applying for extension of scholarship funding period

This item is only applicable to for students of Country Award and Unilateral Award categories. Non-PhD students who apply for extension of the scholarship funding period shall apply to scholarship application accepting institution on your own.

.Doctoral students applying for extension of scholarship funding period

1) With their schooling period extension application for the first time having been approved by the university in the semester, PhD students enrolled in 2017 who have serious study attitude, perform well and are unable to graduate on schedule due to special grounds in the semester, are eligible to apply to the university. PhD students of other batch, MOFCOM student could NOT apply for the scholarship extension.

2)Besides, applicants must pass the 2020/2021 scholarship annual review, mid-term assessment of research project and dissertation proposal, fill out and submit the "Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship Extension" via the app“Study Partner”(download address: And the applications must be approved by the schools, supervisors and School of International Education before submitted to the China Scholarship Council for the final approval.

In addition to the above requirements, a letter of consent from the embassy in China is required for students ofCountry Award and shall be submitted to their schools by the students.

. Application procedures and other items

1. Log in to the mobile application "Study Partner" (download address:, and submit personal information, summary and other required items before May 14, 2020 ) .

2. The relevant Schools and supervisors conduct a comprehensive review based on the content submitted by the students and comprehensive performance, give relevant opinions, and submit to School of International Education for the further review. Students need not to contact supervisor or school directly.

The schools and supervisors shall specify the needed study period of the applicants, the mid-term assessment of the research project and the dissertation proposal in the "Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship Extension" submitted by students.

3. China Scholarship Council will give the final review conclusion.

If the application for extension is not submitted within the specified time or the application materials do not meet the requirements, it will be regarded as abandoning the application and invalid application, so the subsequent problems it brings will be borne by the students themselves.

. Contacts

Mr. Wang (Main campus), 87793026;

Mrs. Hong (Tongji Campus), 83692920.

International Student Office, SIE-HUST

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